本文研究了影响克念菌素发酵时 A、B 组份比例的许多因素。于30℃、pH≥6.0时用淀粉和蛋白胨作为主要碳、氮源,可提高克念菌素产量36%,其中 B 组份含量达80%。而用甘油作为主要碳源,适量加入DL-乙硫氨酸和油酸甲酯,可提高产量40%,其中 A 组份含量达77%。
Keuianjunsu is a heptaene macrolide antibiotic produced by Act.globisporus var.C-412.The main components are kenianjunsu A and B,the hydrolysis productsare p-aminoacetophenone and N-methyl-p-aminoacetophenone,respectively.Considering manu factors affecting the proportion of A and B,we selectedtwo technological conditions benefiting biosynthesis of A or B.Fermentation at 30℃with a starch-peptone medium and pH>6.0,increased the yield of kenianjunsuby 36% with B up to 80%.With a medium containing glycerin and a properquantity of DL-ethionine and methyl oleate,the yield was increased by 40%with A up to 77%.