
基层图书馆治理效能提升与高质量发展——以武陵山民族地区县级图书馆总分馆建设为例 被引量:2

Improvement of Governance Efficiency and High-quality Development of Grass-roots Libraries:An Analysis Based on the Construction of County-level Central-branch Libraries in Wuling Mountain Ethnic Regions
摘要 基层图书馆治理效能提升与高质量发展对促进民族地区公共文化服务均等化和乡村文化振兴战略意义重大。本文通过对武陵山片区4省18个少数民族自治县图书馆总分馆建设进行田野调查,总结该地区总分馆建设现状和治理过程中的主要问题,并借鉴人类社会学理论分析影响总分馆治理的主要因素,进一步提出未来基层图书馆尤其是民族地区图书馆总分馆高质量发展的战略方向。调研发现,民族地区基层图书馆总分馆建设已取得了初步成果,但也存在治理制度建设滞后、因地制宜实践程度较低、服务方式和服务手段有待规范化以及社会力量参与总分馆建设整体薄弱等突出问题;影响基层图书馆治理效能提升的因素主要有社会文化、治理体制、政策执行者个人及运行机制等。研究提出,基层图书馆治理效能提升与高质量发展要以总分馆制为抓手,构建总分馆治理制度体系;因地制宜探索基层图书馆总分馆建设新模式;完善总分馆制的运行机制,提高总分馆制运行效率;多措并举提升基层图书馆馆员职业使命和专业能力。图3。表3。参考文献36。 The improvement of governance efficiency and high-quality development of grass-roots libraries in ethnic regions are of great significance for promoting the equalization of public cultural services and the revitalization of rural culture in ethnic regions.Guided by the major strategy of improving governance efficiency and high-quality development put forward in The Party Leadership's Proposals for Formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-range Objectives through the Year 2035,this paper focuses on grass-roots libraries in ethnic regions.According to The Outline of China's Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development(2011-2020),Wuling Mountain Area is one of the 14 concentrated and contiguous poverty-stricken areas.This paper summarizes the current situation of the construction of county-level central-branch libraries and the main problems in the process of governance in the region,analyzing the social factors affecting the governance and operation of the central-branch libraries and putting forward the high-quality development strategic direction in the future.This paper holds that the progress made in the construction of central-branch libraries of grass-roots libraries in ethnic regions mainly include the significant increase in the coverage of township branch libraries and grass-roots service points,and the exploration and formation of the prototype of the model of“central library+individual township libraries+individual grass-roots service points+more intensive mobile service”under the framework of“multi-level investment and centralized management”.The construction has been funded by the county and township finance.The branch libraries and grass-roots service points form a staffing pattern mainly managed by part-time volunteers.The collections are mostly purchased by the central library or acquired from the central libraries as a redistribution of their social donations.The social influence of the services of the grass-roots libraries in ethnic regions continues to increase.However,there are some prominent problems in the governance,such as the lagging construction of the governance system,the low degree of practice of“adjusting measures to local conditions”,the need to standardize service methods and means as well as the slow overall development of social forces participating in library governance.This paper holds that the main social factors affecting the governance of grass-roots libraries in ethnic regions are the special institutional structure and the low demand for libraries in the region;organizations involved in the policy implementation of grass-roots libraries interact the possible interests after the implementation,trying to produce the most favorable implementation results for themselves;dislocation of the executive subject's discretion and motivation has a strong correlation with the regional library governance efficiency;fair participation of stakeholders in the construction of grass-roots libraries has not been established.To improve the governance efficiency and promote high-quality development,this paper proposes the construction of the governance system of the central-branch library,exploring the new construction mode of central-branch libraries according to local conditions,improving the operation mechanism,taking multiple measures to improve the professional mission and professional ability of grass-roots librarians in ethnic regions.3 figs.3 tabs.36 refs.
作者 石庆功 唐义 肖希明 SHI Qinggong;TANG Yi;XIAO Ximing
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 北大核心 2023年第2期88-104,共17页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 中国图书馆学会资助一般项目“民族地区基层图书馆治理效能调查研究”(编号:2022LSCKYXM-ZZ-DX002)的研究成果
关键词 基层图书馆 民族地区 总分馆 治理效能 高质量发展 武陵山片区 Grass-roots libraries Ethnic regions Central-branch libraries Governance efficiency High-quality development Wuling Mountain Area
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