
外骨骼机器人在脊髓损伤后康复训练中的应用研究 被引量:3

Application of exoskeleton robot for rehabilitation training after spinal cord injury
摘要 脊髓损伤后的功能改善能提高患者的生活独立性和质量,是康复训练的重点。外骨骼机器人是基于仿生学和人体工程学设计,并拥有末端牵引式的康复机器人,作为一种新兴治疗技术受到国内外的广泛关注。国内外相关文献报道中外骨骼机器人在脊髓损伤后康复训练中多用于提高步行功能,而较少关注上肢功能和其他躯体功能的改善。尽管外骨骼机器人在脊髓损伤后康复训练中的应用存在局限性,但已呈现出新的发展趋势。外骨骼机器人在脊髓损伤康复训练中的实用性和优效性尚需更多循证医学证据。 Functional improvement after spinal cord injury promotes the independence and quality of life,which is the focusof rehabilitation training.Exoskeleton robot designed based on bionics and ergonomics and with end traction,as a new technol-ogy for rehabilitation,is widely concerned domestic and abroad during the last two decades.A review of the relevant literaturesat home and abroad shows that spinal cord injury exoskeleton robot is mainly used to improve walking function,but less atten-tion is paid to upper limb motor ability and other physical functions.Although there are limitations in the application of robotin spinal cord injury rehabilitation,it has presented new development trends.In conclusion,the feasibility and effectiveness ofrobots in spinal cord injury rehabilitation is still needed to be proved by evidence-based medicine.
作者 孟予斐 张军卫 洪毅 MENG Yufei;ZHANG Junwei;HONG Yi(School of Rehabilitation,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100068;Department of Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery,Beijing Bo'ai Hospital,China Rehabilitation Research Center,Beijing 100068,China)
出处 《中华骨与关节外科杂志》 2021年第10期878-882,889,共6页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
基金 国家重点研发计划(2019YFB1312505)
关键词 脊髓损伤 机器人 外骨骼 康复 功能 Spinal Cord Injury Robot Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Function
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