

Economic Analysis of Different Power Levels on Lead-based Modular Nuclear Power Reactor
摘要 铅基快堆由于较好的冷却剂固有安全性和燃料增殖效应而在核电中被逐渐关注,模块化铅基核电堆芯更能进一步提升堆芯的经济性。本文从堆芯核设计角度出发,分析了100 MW、300 MW、500 MW、700 MW和1000 MW等不同热功率水平的堆芯分别采用UO_(2)和U-10Zr合金燃料在2000EFPD的换料周期内的经济性。计算分析结果显示:在保持堆芯泄漏基本不变和相同寿期的情况下,堆芯功率水平与堆芯铀装量呈线性增加趋势,同时燃料利用率随堆芯功率水平和堆芯尺寸的增加而逐渐增加;UO_(2)燃料堆芯适用于低功率水平(如100 MW)和较高功率水平(如1000 MW)的堆芯装载,低功率水平下堆芯铀装量更少,高功率水平下堆芯增殖性能与堆芯能量输出匹配,更利于堆芯反应性控制;U-10Zr燃料堆芯适用于中等功率水平(如500 MW)的堆芯装载,在该功率水平和堆芯尺寸下,堆芯的增殖性能与堆芯能量输出基本匹配,能够充分发挥U-10Zr燃料的高增殖性能。本文通过对铅基模块化核电不同功率水平的经济性进行分析研究,为当前铅基模块化核电的单堆功率提出最佳经济性分析,为铅基模块化核电的应用推广提供基础。 The lead-based fast reactor is gradually paid attention to in nuclear power due to the better inherent safety of coolant and the effect of fuel breeding,and lead-based modular nuclear power reactor can further enhance its economy.In this article,the power level and economy of lead-based modular nuclear power is analyzed,and the economy of different power level fast reactor with 2000EFPD life time,such as 100 MW,300MW,500MW,700MW,and 1000MW thermal power,are designed and analyzed.By analyzing the invention of U and 235 U and the fuel utilization of different core schemes,it's found that,in the case of maintaining the leakage and life of the core,the amount of uranium linearly increases with the power level of the core,and the fuel utilization rate increases with the increase of the power level and the size of the core.And UO_(2)fuel type is more suitable for the core arrangement of low power level such as 100 MW and high power level such as 1000MW.As in the low power level core,the amount of uranium with UO_(2)fuel is less,and in the high power level core,the core breeding performance matches the core energy output,which is more suitable for the core reactivity control.U-10Zr fuel type is more suitable for the core arrangement of middle power level such as 500MW.As in the middle power level core,the core breeding performance nearly matches the core energy output,which can give full play to the breeding performance of U-10Zr fuel.Through the above economic analysis,the best economic analysis of the single reactor power of the current lead-base modular reactor is proposed,and the foundation of the lead-based modular nuclear power is provided.
作者 娄磊 王连杰 周冰燕 赵晨 张斌 严明宇 张策 向宏志 蔡云 王星博 赵子凡 周楠 刘佳艺 LOU Lei;WANG Lian-jie;ZHOU Bing-yan;ZHAO Chen;ZHANG Bin;YAN Ming-yu;ZHANG Ce;XIANG Hong-zhi;CAI Yun;WANG Xing-bo;ZHAO Zi-fan;ZHOU Nan;LIU Jia-yi(KeyLaboratory on Reactor System Design Technology,Nuclear Power Institute of China,Chengdu,Sichuan Prov.610213,China)
出处 《中国核电》 2023年第2期301-307,共7页 China Nuclear Power
关键词 铅基模块化核电 功率水平 经济性 增殖效应 燃料利用率 lead-based modular reactor power level economy breeding effect fuel utilization
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