
非洲国际体系观及其联合国安理会改革政策选择 被引量:1

Africa’s View of the International System and Its Policy towards UN Security Council Reform
摘要 非洲正经历从二战后国际制度构建的被忽视者向国际体系变革的推动者转变。从追求国际平等和民主的根本诉求出发,非洲主张纠正历史不公正,实现其在联合国各机构尤其是安理会的充分代表权。推动国际体系变革和维护非洲大陆团结,是主导非洲对联合国安理会改革政策的双重目标,两者既相互借重,又在竞争性国家利益驱动下存在内在冲突。尽管非洲共同立场面临来自内部和外部的多重压力,然而非盟通过内部力量平衡和强化团结意识,坚持以统一声音参与安理会改革进程。面对内部竞争激烈、谈判胶着,非盟可能倾向于保持政策稳定。中国与非洲共同致力于推动国际关系民主化和提升发展中国家的制度性话语权,在国际体系改革进程中具有广阔的合作空间。 Africa is undergoing a transformation from a neglected party at the end of World War II to an agent of change in the international system.Regarding its fundamental aspirations for international equality and democracy,Africa advocates for the redress of historical injustices and the full representation of Africa in various United Notions(UN)bodies,especially the UN Security Council(UNSC).Promoting changes in the international system and preserving the continent’s unity are the twin goals that dominate Africa’s policy on UNSC reform,both of which draw on each other and are inherently conflicting when driven by competing national interests.Despite the multiple internal and external pressures on the Common African Position,the African Union(AU)has insisted on participating in the Security Council reform process with a unified voice through an internal balance of power and a strengthened sense of solidarity.Facing fierce internal competition with negotiations in stalemate,the AU tends to maintain the stability of its policy.China and Africa share a common commitment to promote the democratization of international relations in order to enhance the institutional voice of developing countries,and have broad space for cooperation in the process of international system reform.
作者 毛瑞鹏 Mao Ruipeng(Institute of Global Governance,Shanghai Institutes for International Studies,Shanghai 200233)
出处 《中国非洲学刊》 2022年第2期39-59,144-145,共23页 JOURNAL OF CHINA-AFRICA STUDIES
关键词 非洲国际体系观 安理会改革 非洲共同立场 埃祖尔韦尼共识 非盟政策选择 Africa’s view of the international system UN Security Council reform Common African Position Ezulwini Consensus Africa’s policy choice
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