

Dancing with Shackles on:The Writing Art of Bob Dylan’s Tarantula
摘要 20世纪60年代,鲍勃·迪伦在自己的人生际遇从巅峰陡然跌入低谷后,耗时多年完成《狼蛛》一书,它已成为人们认识迪伦多维艺术创作不可或缺的重要文本。"狼蛛"在西方不仅是一种昆虫类生物,而且还具有多种形象和文化意味,其与音乐、舞蹈艺术创作的关联尤为深入人心。从梳理西方文化史上"狼蛛"的形象和文化意味入手,分析其与迪伦的异同之处,再结合文本探究迪伦对"狼蛛"之文化意义的借用与创新,和以"狼蛛"之名对自我的表达与建构,可想象出迪伦在受制于自身与外界诸多不可控因素的情形下完成《狼蛛》的创作,犹如一位舞者被迫戴着镣铐跳舞,于局限中奋力寻求自主舞动空间,展示出独特的艺术功底与魅力。由此,与《狼蛛》相关的诸多谜团可以得到一定的合理解释。 In the 1960s,after his life fell sharply from the peak to the bottom,Bob Dylan completed a cross-genre experimental novel Tarantula,which has become an indispensable text for people to get to know about Dylan’s artistic creations.“Tarantula”,as a kind of insect,has archetypal images in literature and its own cultural connotations in the Western cultural history.And moreover,its association with music and dance art creation is particularly impressive.Starting with the image and cultural connotation of tarantula in western culture,analyzing the similarities and differences between“tarantula”and Dylan,then combining the text to explore Dylan’s inheritance and innovation of the cultural connotation of tarantula and to realize Dylan’s efforts made for self-expression and self-construction in the name of“tarantula”,we find that Dylan went in for the composition of the book Tarantula,under the restrictions of many internal and external factors just like a dancer dancing with shackles on,who tried hard to seek self-dominant space for dance moves even in bondage and thus demonstrated his own unique artistic foundation and charm.From this point of view,many mysteries related to Tarantula can be explained reasonably to a certain extent.
作者 吴群涛 卢润凡 Wu Quntao;Lu Runfan
出处 《中国美学研究》 2021年第1期273-287,共15页
基金 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目“国际比较视域下鲍勃·迪伦在中国的传播与接受”(项目编号:19B559) 湖南省社会科学基金项目“帕蒂·史密斯摇滚诗歌对朋克运动的影响研究”(项目编号:17YBA388)阶段成果
关键词 鲍勃·迪伦 《狼蛛》 文化意味 写作艺术 Bob Dylan Tarantula Cultural Connotation Art of Writing
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