

Art of the Stone Relief of Han Dynasty
摘要 汉画像是汉朝各类艺术呈现的二维图像的总称,尤以画像石、砖为主。汉画像主要作为祭祀性丧葬艺术,大都雕刻在墓室和祠堂中。内容上,它包含着人们对现实世界的呈现以及对死后世界的设计,有神话传说、历史故事、日常生活、乐舞百戏、战争场景和祥瑞图景等题材,部分有榜题。汉画像中的原始信仰及其楚文化因素呈现了神话意象、生活意象、天地意象等内容,突出了隐喻和象征的表现手法。它主要借助阴线刻、凹面线刻、凸面线刻、减地平面线刻、浅浮雕、高浮雕等技法,并用横式、竖式和鸟瞰式等构图方式,表现了古朴壮丽,深沉雄大,粗犷豪放的艺术风格,是中国与西亚乃至印度、埃及、希腊罗马等域外文化艺术交流的优秀成果。汉画像对后世的国画和雕塑产生了重要的影响,具有重要的研究价值。 Stone relief of Han Dynasty is the umberella name under which all art types with two-dimensional images in Han Dynasty are included,but mainly stone reliefs and portrait bricks.As sacrificial and funeral art,they are mainly engraved in the coffin chamber and ancestral temple.In terms of content,it is related to people’s understanding of the real world and their imagination of the world after death,including mythical stories,historical stories,daily life,music,dance,drama,war scene and auspicious omen.Some of them also include list of topics.The primitive religion and Chu Culture contained by the stone relief of Han Dynasty manifest mythical image,life image,image of heaven and earth etc.,in particular,the expressive methods of simile and symbolism are highlighted.Mainly adopting the method of Yin-line carving,concave line carving,convex line carving,plano convex carving,bas-relief and high-relief etc.,and using the spatial composition methods of horizontal type,vertical type and bird-eye-view type etc.,stone relief of Han Dynasty expresses simple and magnificent,profound and gigantic as well as rough and bold artistic styles.These artistic styles are the splendid products of cultural and artistic exchanges between China and West Asia,and even between China and India,Egypt,Greece and Rome etc.Stone relief of Han Dynasty exerts a far-reaching influence on Chinese painting and sculpture of later generations,it is a very valuable field for academic research.
作者 朱志荣 Zhu Zhirong
机构地区 不详
出处 《中国美学研究》 2019年第2期263-278,288,共17页
关键词 汉画像 丧葬艺术 原始信仰 意象 古朴 Stone relief of Han Dynasty funeral art primitive religion image simple
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