

The Logical Contradiction Embedded in Western Legal Belief:Thinking Rationalism and Law Evolutionism
摘要 西方社会的思维根源于古希腊的自然哲学流派,由此衍生出两种理性主义传统:一种是批判性的,一种是肯定性的;其中,批判性理性传统后来逐渐转化为演化理性主义,而从肯定性理性传统中则衍生出了建构理性主义。显然,古希腊开出的两种理性传统分别为欧洲大陆和英伦群岛上所承袭,进而形成了不同的经济学流派。但是,经过柏拉图和亚里士多德的体系化改造和启蒙运动的洗礼,古希腊理性中的演化传统却逐渐被湮没了,而建构性的唯理主义传统获得了偏盛。相应地,在西方社会,源于演进主义的习惯法最终也转化为建构主义的成文法。不过,随着资产阶级大革命、社会主义运动带来的社会动荡以及随后的建构理性在实践应用的过程中滋生出的日益严重的"理性自负",西方社会又开始从一些非主流的思想中挖掘出了演化主义的思想流脉,开始崇尚基于演进主义的不成文法或习惯法,强调社会秩序的自发性,这又导致演化理性思潮的勃兴,以致流行的法律实践又呈现出浓郁的演化理性主义。然而,这种演进主义的发展道路却不是一帆风顺的,而是会陷入内卷化的漩涡;这不仅在当前西方社会得到了明显的证明,而且传统儒家社会提供了充分的佐证。因此,西方社会就呈现出思维理性主义与法律演化主义的逻辑悖论,并且也造成了实践上的困境。导致这种悖论和困境的关键在于,西方社会中根深蒂固的自然主义思维带来了"知行分立"的二元观,从而就导致逻辑真理与事实真理、理论与经验之间出现脱节。 The thinking of western society is rooted in the natural philosophy of ancient Greece,and two rationalism traditions are derived.One is critical,which turns into evolutionism rationality;the other is positive,which turns into constructionism rationality.Apparently,the two rationality traditions are followed respectively by European mainland and England isles,and leads to different economics genres.However,after the systematic transformation by Plato and Aristotle and the ablution of the enlightenment movement,the tradition of constructionism rationality developed vigorously in ancient Greek through,and the tradition of evolutionism rationality disappeared gradually.Correspondingly,in western,the unwritten law grounded on the evolutionism changed eventually into statute law based upon constructionism.However,because of social turbulence brought by Bourgeois’Great Revolution and socialism’movement as well as the increasingly serious"rational conceit"in the process of practice and application of the constructive rationality in modern western society,western world began to excavate the thought stream of evolutionism from some nonmainstream thoughts.Thus,it starts to advocate unwritten law based on evolutionism,and emphasize the spontaneity of social order,so that the trend of thought of evolutionary rationality is booming and the popular legal practice presents a strong evolutionary rationalism.However,the development of such evolutionism is not plain sailing,but tends to drop into the gulf of involution,which is not only proved by present western society,but also by traditional Confucian society.Therefore,the western society presents the logical paradox of thinking rationalism and legal evolutionism,And which also causes difficulties in practice.The key leading to this paradox and plight lies in the fact that the deep-rooted naturalistic thinking in western society brings about the dualism of"separation of knowledge and action",which gives rise to the disconnection between logical truth and factual truth,theory and experience.
作者 朱富强 Zhu Fuqiang(China Economics Research Center,Henan University,475004;Lingnan College,Sun Yat-Sen University,510275)
出处 《制度经济学研究》 2020年第3期12-47,共36页 Research on Institutional Economics
基金 广东省创新团队项目“社会主义市场经济理论基础与政策体系”(2016WCXTD001)
关键词 建构理性主义 演化理性主义 内卷化 成文法 习惯法 Constructive Rationalism Evolutionism Rationalism Involution Statute Law Unwritten Law
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