

Local Response to the 1935 Flood Disaster in Northern Jiangsu: From the Perspectives of Huang Tirun Diary
摘要 1935年7月10日,黄河在山东鄄城董庄决口,导致鲁南、苏北数县遭受严重水灾,损失惨重。丰县位于江苏省西北端,靠近南四湖,地处黄、淮两河泛滥区的交界地带,受水灾威胁很大。黄河决口之水南下或南四湖湖水外溢,都会使丰县面临危险。以黄体润为代表的丰县县政府、县党部公职人员最初对黄河决口并未足够重视,行动缓慢,直至洪水侵入县境后才迅速采取行动。在与洪水博弈的过程中,黄体润等人逐渐变被动为主动,将应急抢险与防患未然相结合,发动全县各区征工兴筑新堤、修补旧堤,根据形势变化调整策略、灵活应对,并在灾后依照上级机构的布置及时开展赈济工作。丰县在此次水灾中的遭遇和作为,既提供了一个微观案例,有助于我们探究一个县对水灾的应对过程,也启发我们对人与自然的关系、对国民政府基层行政体系的思考。 On the 10 th of July,1935,the Yellow River burst its bankat Dong Town,Juancheng of Shandong Province,leading to a severe flood disaster and heavy losses in several counties in southern Shandong and northern Jiangsu.Feng County in the northwestern tip of Jiangsu Province was close to the southern four lakes.It was situated in the bordering zone between the Yellow River and the Huai River flood areas,under the threat of the flood disaster.Both the flood from the Yellow River and spillover lake water from the southern four lakes pose great danger to Feng County.The then Feng County government and officials from the county’s branch of the Nationalist Party did not pay sufficient attention to the breach in the Yellow River dam.They did not take action until after the flood entered the county.In fighting the flood,Huang Tirun and his colleagues gradually rose from passivity to become active.They combined emergency rescue with disaster prevention,and mobilized people from all districts of the county to repair old dams and construct new ones.They constantly adapted tactics and made flexible responses to the changing situation.After the flood,they engaged in timely disaster relief following deployment from higher levels of government.Feng County’s experiences in this flood disaster provide a case study on the micro level,conducive to our research into the process of a county’s response to a flood disaster.At the same time,Feng County’s experiences may also serve as an inspiration for us to reflect on the relationship between humankind and nature and on the grassroots level of the Nationalist government’s administrative system.
作者 项浩男 Xiang Haonan
出处 《中国地方志》 2021年第2期59-71,126,共14页 China Local Records
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