

Reducing the Misery of Poverty by Strengthening Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security:Government and People’s Initiatives in Indonesia
摘要 本文探讨了印度尼西亚农业现状及其对减贫的贡献程度。在宏观层面,为应对粮食安全和可持续农业相关的突出威胁和挑战,本文将概述印度尼西亚政府和人民所采取的措施。在全球深入探讨可持续发展目标的背景下,为了让农业更具生产力且可持续,印度尼西亚政府已经采取了一些措施。但是,鉴于问题的复杂性、庞大的人口规模以及分散的地理性质,这些措施并未十分有效。幸运的是,印度西尼亚人民通过加强以社区为基础的农业经营、发展城市农业、培养年轻农民和普及农产品数字营销,展现了其解决问题的创新力。本文认为政府和人民所采取的措施显然有助于加强粮食安全、降低风险和减少脆弱性,甚至能够减轻贫困。当前新型冠状病毒肺炎危机凸显了这些行动的必要性,并表明了落实这些行动的紧迫性。因此,笔者建议将这些措施进行强化和协同。否则,在可预见的将来,特别是在流行病蔓延期间,缺乏粮食安全和可持续农业所带来的风险将更加严重。 Our paper discusses the current situation of Indonesian agriculture sector and the extent it contributes to poverty reduction.Having provided a macro overview,we identified what Indonesian government has done and what the people has initiated to address the striking threats and challenges related to food security and sustainable agriculture.The government has taken some efforts to make the agriculture more productive and sustainable,in line with the global discussion of SDGs.However,their efforts are unlikely to be effective given the complexity of the problem,the large population number,and the dispersed Indonesian geographical nature.Fortunately,the Indonesian people have shown creative and innovative movements to solve their problems by strengthening community-based agrobusiness,promoting urban farming,nurturing young farmers,and popularizing digital marketing of agriculture products.We argue that government and people’s initiatives are evidently important to strengthen food security,to lessen risk and vulnerability,and at least to reduce the misery of poverty.The current Covid-19 crisis triggers the necessity of those initiatives and demonstrates the urgency to develop those initiatives into a more viable way.Therefore,we suggest that these initiatives must be strengthened and synergized.Otherwise,the risk of food insecurity and unsustainable agriculture will be more threatening in the near future,especially in the time of pandemic.
作者 李希瑞(译) M.Falikul Isbah;Tunggul Wicaksono(Department of Sociology,ASEAN Studies Center,Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,Universitas Gadjah Mada,Indonesia;ASEAN Studies Center,Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,Universitas Gadjah Mada,Indonesia)
出处 《中国-东盟研究》 2020年第4期40-54,共15页 China-ASean Studies
关键词 贫穷 可持续农业 粮食安全 人民行动 Poverty Sustainable Agriculture Food Security People’s Initiatives
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