

Early Teachings on the Four Phurpas in the Light of the Eightfold Buddha Word,Embodying the Sugatas(bka'brgyad bde gshegs'dus pa)Revelation of Myang ral Nyi ma'od zer(1124-1192),and the Relationship between the Revelatory(gter ma)and Transmitted(bka'ma)Textual Traditions
摘要 娘热·尼玛沃色在十二世纪所掘出的《八教善逝集》(bka’brgyad bde gshegs’dus pa)成为了宁玛派以八密教尊神为核心修行的范本。在此前发表的一篇论文中,我提出《八教善逝集》中关于“事业普巴”(’phrin las phur pa)的部分可能形成于娘氏之前的时代,并保留了古时的修习传统。本文结合远传法(bka’ma)文献中属于娘氏传承的教法,进一步对这些与《四普巴》或《四普巴续》(phur pa’i rgyu bzhi)相关的普巴文献进行探讨。《四普巴续》教法在这些文献中的中心地位很可能影响了此后的金刚普巴传承,因为它们也强调这些教法的重要性。本文主要探讨远传法和娘氏法中的《四普巴续》教法的关系,以及它们与早期四普巴教法之间的联系。《堡岩》(rdzong’phrang)中只有《八教善逝集》是很早期的,而四普巴中的一篇简短教言很有可能是源自历史上的莲花生大师。此外,《四普巴续》中引用的同一主题也被收录进了《八教善逝集》中的权威文献。娘氏将《八教善逝集》称为伏藏,使得藏王墀松德赞被重新纳入该传承体系之中。墀松德赞原本并未在此传承序列之内,而是作为《堡岩》的主要授记对象而被新加入的。因为娘热是墀松德赞的转世,《八教善逝集》伏藏中的关键文献据称是来自墀松德赞的写本。 Myang ral's twelfth century revealed corpus of the Eightfold Buddha Word,Embodying the Sugatas(bka'brgyad bde gshegs'dus pa)became a template for Rnying ma practice focusing on the tradition's eight central tantric deities.In a previous article(2020a),I have suggested that the entire Action Phurpa('phrin las phur pa)section of the Eightfold Buddha Word is likely to pre-date Myang ral,and seems to preserve an archaic practice tradition.Here,I explore further Phurpa materials in the corpus which relate to the teachings on the Four Phurpas,or the Four Phurpa Materials(phur pa'i rgyu bzhi),alongside related teachings in the corpus of transmitted texts(bka'ma)which were also part of Myang ral's heritage.The centrality of the Four Phurpa teachings in these texts may have influenced the later Vajrakīlaya traditions,which generally put considerable emphasis on these teachings.I assess how the specific teachings on the Four Phurpas passed on by Myang ral in the revealed(gter ma)and transmitted texts(bka'ma)relate to each other,and to other early sources on the Four Phurpas.It seems not only that some of the transmitted Eightfold Buddha Word texts of The Fortress and Precipice(rdzong'phrang)cycle were very early,but one short instruction on the Four Phurpas is quite likely to derive from the historical Padmasambhava.Moreover,it draws upon an authoritative source which seems also to have made its way into texts within Myang ral's Embodying the Sugatas revelation dealing with the same topic.Finally,in considering the framing of Myang ral's Embodying the Sugatas as revelation,one effect of the new presentation is that King Khri srong lde'u btsan,2 who was supposed to have been the main original recipient of The Fortress and Precipice transmissions,but did not remain in the lineage,was brought back into centre stage in the transmission.For Myang ral was his rebirth,and key texts of the Embodying the Sugatas revelation are said to have come from the King's manuscripts.
作者 凯西·坎特维尔 Cathy Cantwell(Ruhr Universität Bochum;Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies,University of Oxford;School of Anthropology and Conservation,University of Kent)
出处 《藏学学刊》 2022年第1期128-154,159,155-158,273,共33页 Journal of Tibetology
基金 supported by the DFG Germany under Grant number ME 2006/3-1,Nyang ral’s Codification of Rnying ma Literature and Ritual,at the Center for Religious Studies(CERES)of the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum,2017-2019
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