

Gri gum btsan po and the Bon Treasure Historical Narrative:An Analysis of Sga ston's(14th C.)History of Bon Treasure
摘要 伏藏文化主要流行于藏传佛教宁玛派与苯教传统中。苯教伏藏文献自11世纪以来不断涌现,至14世纪,其专门的历史叙事也已形成,内容涉及伏藏的埋藏、发掘及流派等多个主题。在此类伏藏叙事中,对伏藏传承起源的解释往往占据开篇的重要位置。在这一问题上,两种传统的叙事分别选择与不同的历史背景相衔接:宁玛派学者普遍依据吐蕃时期莲花生的传说,而苯教则利用吐蕃本土的宗教与政治的两次转折期——止贡赞普和墀松德赞时期(苯教史亦称之为两次“法难”)。本文以14世纪嘎顿《伏藏史》中的第一次法难故事为案例,检视苯教伏藏起源故事的形成,并探讨当时的苯教学者如何利用有关吐蕃时期的历史传说,以确立苯教伏藏经典的正统性和合法性。通过对这个故事的解读,本文提出,苯教伏藏历史叙事模式是在继承和保留了独特的本土宗教元素与文化背景的基础上,受到藏传佛教法难叙事手法的启发,同时又与不断完善的苯教教义体系的形成过程互动的结果。 The treasure text or gter ma is a cultural phenomenon that is mainly popular in the Buddhist Nyingma school and the Bon tradition in Tibet.Bon gter ma-s began to emerge in the 11^(th)century,and a special historical narrative regarding their burial,discovery,and transmission already took shape in the 14^(th)century.The origin of a given gter ma and the reason for its transmission usually constitute the very first topics to be explained in these narratives.Regarding these topics,Nyingma scholars usually provide the story of Padmasambhava as the historical background for the formation of Tibetan Buddhist gter ma-s whereas the Bon tradition connects its origin to the two transition periods of religion and politics during the Tubo period(also known as the two“extinction periods”in the history of Bon).This article focuses on the first extinction period in the history of the Bon,that is,the story of the eighth king Gri gum btsan po,as a case study and explores how the later generations of Bon scholars use legends and stories regarding the period of the Tibetan Empire to construct gter ma-origin stories for their own tradition.Furthermore,through the analysis of this story,we can understand how the narrative tradition of the Bon gter ma is the result of the interaction between the historical process of the continuous improvement of the Bon doctrinal knowledge system and the inspiration it received from the Buddhist narrative(on the“extinction of dharma”),while inheriting many unique indigenous elements and cultural contexts.
作者 闹九次力 Naljor Tsering(Doctoral Student,Southwest Minzu University;École Pratique des HautesÉtudes,PSL,CRCAO)
出处 《藏学学刊》 2022年第1期108-127,272-273,共22页 Journal of Tibetology
基金 西南民族大学2018年研究生创新型科研项目(CX2018BS03)的资助
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