

A Study of Guozhuang and its Relation with the Cult of Vaiśravaṇa
摘要 "锅庄"一词有火塘、家屋、舞蹈、集市四种所指。在康区及其周边,前三种"锅庄"均是常见又重要的文化事项。集市锅庄虽仅见于康定,但在汉藏交通史上颇为重要。学者对四种"锅庄"已有了深入研究,却既未说清为何它们都被称作"锅庄",又未说清"锅庄"一词的原意。如此,本文聚焦于康定及邻近的嘉绒地区,考察民族志、方志、笔记、诗词等多类文献,发现四种"锅庄"不仅都将人群布置成环形,且皆与对多闻天子的崇拜有着甚深渊源:起先,人们在火塘锅庄边、家屋锅庄里呈环状的空间中生活,并供奉被称作"锅庄菩萨"的多闻天子;之后,在明正土官手下头目们环形的合院家屋里,多闻天子之子,传说中的宝贤创造了集市锅庄;而在环形的火塘边、家屋里、集市中,环形的舞蹈锅庄也常以多闻天子或宝贤为酬谢对象。此外,"锅庄"还是藏语康方言?????????一词的音译,意为"环形的人群/市场。" The word guozhuang锅庄has four signifiers:fire pit,house,a dance,and a kind of market.In Khams and several nearby areas,the first three kinds of guozhuang are important cultural items that are quite commonly seen.Though only found in Dar rtse mdo,the markets called guozhuang are considered as significant for the history of Sino-Tibetan relations.So far,scholars have already deeply studied those items,but they neither told us the reason why those four are all called guozhuang nor have they clarified the original meaning of guozhuang.Therefore,this article focuses on Dar rtse mdo and the nearby area of Rgyal rong,and makes use of multiple sources such as ethnography,local gazetteers,notes,and poems.All of the four guozhuang do not only place people in a circle,but are also profoundly related to Rnam thos sras(Vaiśravaṇa).First,the people living in the circle-shaped space around the fire pits and in homes worship Rnam thos sras,who is addressed as"the bodhisattva of guozhuang".In the homes of the vassals serving the Mingzheng Chieftains,which are actually quadrangular in shape,the mysterious Nor bu bzang po(Maṇibhadra),a son of Rnam thos sras,created the market guozhuang;and in the circle-shaped space around the fire pits of the homes,and in the market,the circling people’s dance called guozhuang is for offering thanks to Rnam thos sras or Nor bu bzang po.We also find that the Chinese term guozhuang is in fact the transcription of the Tibetan word sgor khrom,which actually means"circle-shaped people/market".
作者 姜照中 石佳咏 Jiang Zhaozhong;Seda Karataş(Doctoral student,Institute of History,Taiwan Tsing Hua University;Master’s student,College of Technology Management,Taiwan Tsing Hua University)
出处 《藏学学刊》 2020年第2期-,共35页 Journal of Tibetology
基金 台湾清华大学人文与社会科学领域竞争型团队项目“东西方的‘仪式’与‘宇宙观’:跨文化交流与宇宙观的诠释”(108QI019E1)的部分研究成果
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