
对应急响应体系的观察与思考——基于地方治理视角 被引量:1

Observation and Thinking on Emergency Response System——Based on the Perspective of Local Governance
摘要 地方治理是国家治理现代化实现的主要实践地,地方治理是风险治理与突发事件应对的第一线与主战场。突发事件应对直观反映着地方应急管理体系与能力现代化程度。2018年党和国家机构改革后各级地方党委政府灾害治理能力显著提升,但在突发事件应急响应环节,被动撞击式的反应特征明显,响应与救援仍然比较粗放。有必要立足问题导向,理性反思影响应急响应体系效能发挥的体制、机制症结:从体制上看,层级分明、结构有序的应急体制存在优中不足;从机制上看,统一领导、协调多方的应急机制仍有不畅;从指挥链条上看,消防救援队伍“垂直管理”与地方灾害“属地管理”不够协调。需要地方党委政府发挥创新精神,进一步健全应急响应体系,探索创新实践,与国家治理顶层改革同频共振,助推国家应急管理体系与能力现代化。 Local governance is the main practice field for the realization of the modernization of national governance,which is in the first line and main battlefield of risk management and emergency response.Emergency response directly refects the local emergency management systems and the degree of capabilities modernization.After the ireform of the party and state institutions in 2018,the disaster management capabilities of different levels of local party committees and governments have been significantly improved.However,in the initial stage of emergency response to emergencies,the passive impact response features are obvious,and the response and rescue are still coarse and unconstrained.It is necessary to be problem-oriented and rationally reflect on the crux of the system and mechanism that affects the effectiveness of the emergency response system:from the perspective of the system,the emergency system with a clear hierarchy and an orderly structure still have disadvantages;from the perspective of the mechanism,the emergency mechanism of unified leadership and coordination of multiple parties is still not smooth;from the point of view of the command chain,the"vertical management"of the fire rescue team and the"territorial management"of local disasters are not coordinated enough.It is necessary for local party committees and governments to create the spirit of innovation,further improve the system and mechanism,explore innovative practices,resonate with the top-level reform of national governance,and promote the modernization of the national emergency management system and capabilities.
作者 钟雯彬 Zhong Wenbin
出处 《中国应急管理科学》 2022年第2期29-37,共9页 Journal of China Emergency Management Science
关键词 地方治理 应急响应 应急管理现代化 local governance emergency response modernization of emergency management
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