3N.Koch, “E-collaboration and e-commerce in virtual worlds: The potential of Second Life and World of Warcraft,” International Journal of E-Collaboration, 2008, 4 (3),pp. 1-13.
4P.Warr,“Minecraft for Oculus Rift axed, Facebook too ‘creepy’,’’ Wired, March 26’ 2014.
5N. Foreman and L. Kora 1 lo, “Past and future applications of 3-D (Virtual Reality) Technology,” Scientific and Technological Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2014, 14 (6),pp. 1-8.
6SeeL. Chang, “Truly immersive journalism takes form in ABC’ s virtual reality tour of Syria,” Digital Trends, September 18, 2015, http://www. digitaltrends. com/cool-tech/virtual-rea1ity-br ings-journa1ism-into-the-21st-century-in-a-major-way/.
7See M. Ingram, “We need to keep in ‘reality, in virtual reality,H Fortune, November 16, 2015, http:// fortune, com/2015/11/16/virtual-rea1ity-journal ism/.
8E. Polgreen, “Virtual reality is journalism,s next frontier: Why newsrooms need to consider telling stories in a different way,,,Columbia Journal ism Review, November 19, 2014.
9J. Silverstone, “Virtual reality: A new way to tell stories,” The New York Times Magazines, November 5, 2015.
10T.Kent, “An ethical reality check for virtual real ity journalism,’’ Medium, com, August 31,2015, https: // medium.com/Qtjrkent/an-ethical-reality-check-for-virtual-reality-journalism-8e5230673507#. 61v5j4wg5.