

Features of Code-Switching between Tibetan and Chinese in Tibetan University Students’Daily Conversations
摘要 本文采用实证研究方法,分析了藏族大学生日常对话中藏语、汉语之间语码转换的现状及特征。参与者为16名在北京某重点高校就读的藏族大学生,藏、汉语言能力强。他们每两人一组,就五个与日常生活、学习密切相关的话题自由对话,会话内容被全程录音并转写;并对其中六名同学进行深入访谈。语料的定量及定性分析得出以下发现:藏族大学生日常主体语言为藏语,但句中及句间语码转换频繁。句中语码转换多为汉语词及语块的插入,其中汉语名词/名词短语、数字/日期/时间的使用频率较高;汉语动词使用较少,且语序多受藏语语法规则制约;语码转换因话题不同存在差异,其中学术话题的语码转换频率最高,多为汉语名词或词组,用以表达专业术语、概念等;会话人之间彼此影响语码的选择及使用。分析表明,高频率词的汉语名词及数字表达与主流语言的日常渗入以及藏族学生较早开始的汉语学习有关;母语意识和母语群体认同对语码的选择及句法结构也起着重要的影响作用。本结果有助于了解藏族大学生藏、汉语言使用倾向及选择动因;同时,对于开展包括藏语在内的少数民族语言的保护、促进其健康发展也有借鉴意义。 This empirical study explores the situations and features of Tibetan-Chinese code-switching among Tibetan university students.Participants were 16 Tibetan students fluent in both Tibetan and Chinese from a key university in Beijing.They had conversations in pairs regarding 5 topics of their daily study and life.Interviews with 6 participants followed.Recorded conversations were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.Key findings from conversation and interview data are as follows:Tibetan is the base language for daily communication.However,both intra-sentential and inter-sentential code-switching from Tibetan to Chinese are frequent.Intra-sentential switching is generally a mixture of a Tibetan sentence with the insertion of some Chinese words or chunks,among which nouns/noun phrases and number/date/time expressions are most frequent;Chinese verbs are rarely used,but the mixed sentence is usually constrained by Tibetan grammar pattern.Conversation topics influence code-switching fluency and the form of code selection,with academic topics containing most Chinese nouns to express specialized terms and concepts.Students’early start of Chinese education and daily infiltration of Chinese attribute to the high frequency of Chinese expressions.Students’awareness of their mother tongue and ethnic identity also plays an important role in their code selection and sentence patterns.Taken together,these findings contribute to a better understanding of Tibetan students’code selection tendency and its influencing factors.The study has important implications for the protection and healthy development of minority languages in China.
出处 《语言学研究》 2021年第2期212-224,共13页 Linguistic Research
关键词 藏语—汉语语码转换 主体语言 语言特征 会话话题 母语意识 Tibetan-Chinese code-switching base language language features conversation topics mother-tongue awareness
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