

More on the First Tin Print of Antiquarian Researches——A Supplement to the Entry on “Foshan Printer Surnamed Tang” in Zhang Xiumin’s Printing History of China
摘要 张秀民先生在其所著《中国印刷史》一书中设立"佛山邓姓印工"条目,对这位印工创立锡活字印书工艺做了简要介绍。笔者依据原刊英文文献有关"佛山邓姓印工"的记载,依据目验传世的两部锡活字印本《三通》,对这个"佛山邓姓印工"条目进行了较为详细增补。与此同时,本文还研究了两套《三通》的流传情况、这位印工的姓名,以及这位印工自己留存的锡活字印本样书的有关情况。 Zhang Xiumin’s book titled Printing History of China includes an entry on"Foshan Printer Surnamed Tang",which gives a brief introduction to the printer’s invention of printing with tin movable type.Based on original English literature and an examination of the two tin-type prints of San Tong,the author has made a detailed supplement to the entry.The supplement concerns four parts:1.The English document;2.The invention of printing with tin movable type by a printer surnamed Tang from Foshan,Guangdong;3.The account about printing of Antiquarian Researches and other books with tin movable type by the printer surnamed Tang;4.The value of San Tong printed with tin movable type in the Qing Dynasty.Through the supplement,this article presents the original English literature about the Foshan printer surnamed Tang,makes clear of the process about how the printer invented printing with tin movable type,and comments on the value of the two prints of San Tong based on the author’s examination of the prints made with the printer’s self-made tin movable type.Besides,this article has made clear of how the two prints of San Tong have circulated,the printer’s full name and the tin-type sample prints in the printer’s personal collection.
作者 李国庆 王佳遇 赵前 Li Guoqing;Wang Jiayu;Zhao Qian
出处 《印刷文化(中英文)》 2020年第1期29-42,共14页 Print Culture
关键词 张秀民《中国印刷史》 “佛山邓姓印工” 锡活字《文献通考》 《三通》 Zhang Xiumin’s Printing History of China "the Foshan Printer Surnamed Tang" Antiquarian Researches in tin print San Tong
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