

The“Platformization”Turn of Music Streaming Research——Analysis of Research Trends and Research Frontiers Based on Bibliometrics
摘要 作为当下音乐产业的核心组成部分,音乐流媒体领域的相关研究成果亟待梳理。通过文献计量学研究发现,国内外的研究均较为关注音乐流媒体环境下的数字音乐版权问题。但国内研究更多从个案出发,探索音乐流媒体平台用户功能的开发设计问题;国外研究侧重于从社会学、心理学及政治经济学等角度探讨算法、平台化对音乐产业权利关系的重塑。在研究趋势方面,国内研究首先关注的是数字音乐版权问题,而后开始关注受众端的界面设计与用户体验,再转向以网易云音乐为代表的音乐社交行为研究;国外的研究则经历了从盗版及数字音乐版权,到音乐流媒体对音乐产业和消费者行为的影响,再到技术转向的演进过程。随着研究的深入,国外学者们开始转向“平台化”研究。术语“平台”意味着中立,但近年来对于平台的批判性研究也越来越受到关注。“平台化”的转向为音乐流媒体研究带来了更广阔的思考空间、更多维的研究视角,也因此激发出更多有价值的研究成果。 As a core component of the current music industry,the relevant research results in the field of music streaming media need to be sorted out urgently.Through bibliometric research,it is found that both domestic and foreign studies pay more attention to digital music copyright issues in the music streaming media environment.However,domestic studies have explored the development and design of user functions of music streaming media platforms from a case-by-case perspective,while foreign studies have focused on exploring the reshaping of the relationship between rights in the music industry by algorithms and platformization from the perspectives of sociology,psychology and political economy.In terms of research trends,domestic research first focuses on digital music copyright issues,then begins to focus on interface design and user experience at the audience end,and then shifts to the study of music social behaviours represented by NetEase Cloud Music;while foreign research has gone through an evolutionary process from piracy and digital music copyrights,to the impact of music streaming media on the music industry and consumer behaviours,and then to the shift to technology.With the deepening of research,foreign scholars have begun to turn to the study of"platformization".The term"platform"implies neutrality,but in recent years the critical study of platforms has also received increasing attention.The shift to"platformization"has brought broader thinking space and more multi-dimensional research perspectives to music streaming media research,and thus inspired more valuable research results.
作者 刘恋 肖代柏 Liu Lian;Xiao Daibo
出处 《艺术管理(中英文)》 2024年第1期42-56,共15页 Journal of Arts Management
基金 2023年武汉音乐学院教学研究资助项目(项目编号:230305)
关键词 音乐流媒体 知识图谱 文献计量学 可视化 Music Streaming Media Knowledge Map Bibliometrics Visualisation
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