

Soul Through Time in Space——Research on Innovative Repertoire Management of Shanghai Chinese Orchestra
摘要 在全球化深入和互联网加持的当代,时空被日益压缩在一个平面上,世界性交流互动变得非常直接。音乐作为最具世界性交流的语言方式,在世界范围内流动性很大。但中外音乐交流明显处于逆差,进出不平衡。中华民族优秀的文化远没有被音乐充分表达。中国民族音乐如何抵达当代,如何走向世界,深度融入世界音乐的大循环和大交流之中,这已经不仅仅是一个艺术问题,而是当代文化话语的建构和民族文化自信表达的需求。正是从这个意义上,上海民族乐团近年来连续呈现了《海上生民乐》《共同家园》《上海奥德赛·外滩故事》《紫禁城》等八部创新作品,整体性地对中国民乐的当代化和国际化做出了回应和探索。因此,笔者对上海民族乐团的成功实践进行分析研究,梳理其创新思维与管理,以及开放态度下历史与现实题材的融合、主创人员的逐步年轻化等,希望给业界提供成功的经验和有效的路径。 In the contemporary era of globalization and Internet,time and space is increasingly compressed on one plane,and world-wide communication and interaction becomes very direct.Music,as the most worldwide communication way,has great mobility in the world.However,the music exchange between China and foreign countries is obviously in deficit.The excellent culture of the Chinese nation is far from being fully expressed by music.How to reach the present age,how to go towards the world,and how to deeply integrate into the great circle and exchange of world music is not only an artistic problem,but also a demand for the construction of contemporary cultural discourse and self-confidence expression of national culture.It is in this sense that in recent years,Shanghai Chinese Orchestra has continuously presented eight innovative works,such as“New Oriental Chinese Music Scene”,“Our Common Homeland”,“The Bund”and“The Forbidden City”,which has made a response and exploration to the modernization and internationalization of Chinese national music.Therefore,analyzing the successful practice of Shanghai Chinese Orchestra,analyzing its innovative thinking and management,as well as the integration of historical and realistic themes with an open attitude,and the gradual rejuvenation of the main creators provide successful experience and effective path for the industry.
作者 王国伟 秦娜 罗晓敏 Wang Guowei;Qin Na;Luo Xiaomin
出处 《艺术管理(中英文)》 2021年第2期146-152,共7页 Journal of Arts Management
关键词 上海民族乐团 民乐当代化 民乐国际化 曲目创新管理 Shanghai Chinese Orchestra The Modernization of Chinese National Music The Globalization of Chinese National Music Innovative Management of Repertoire
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