2021年3月25日,2020中国客车学术年会和第18届客车市场研究会在深圳举行,来自行业主管部门、科研机构、客车制造企业的200余名代表,共同分析了新形势下的客车行业发展现状,并对未来发展趋势进行了研判。2021年客车行业将触底反弹,未来3~5年客车企业仅剩约30家甚至更少据中国公路学会客车分会理事长宋金刚介绍,2020年,受宏观经济下行和突发新冠疫情的双重影响,我国客车市场形势严峻,全年国内累计销售5 m以上客车15.06万辆,同比下降21.07%。
On March 25, 2021, the 2020 China Bus Academic Annual Conference and the 18 th Bus Market Research Conference were held in Shenzhen. More than 200 representatives from industry authorities, scientific research institutions and bus manufacturers jointly analyzed the development status of the bus industry under the new situation and identified the future development trend.
Commercial Vehicle