

Design Optimization of Underground Comprehensive Pipe Gallery Roof in Huanggang City
摘要 为了减少对交通及周边环境的影响,在城区建设地下综合管廊越来越多地采用非开挖施工方法。文章以黄冈市城区地下综合管廊顶管段为例,介绍了顶管施工法施工管廊设计中的要点及优化措施,以达到因地制宜、降低对交通及周边环境的影响、加快施工进度、节约工程投资的目的。 In order to reduce the influence on traffic and the surrounding environment,the city construction of underground pipe gallery trenchless construction methods are used more and more in the huanggang city underground pipe gallery roof section as an example,this paper introduces the key points in the design of pipe jacking construction method of pipe gallery and optimization measures,to adjust measures to local conditions,reduce the influence on traffic and the surrounding environment,to speed up the construction progress,the purpose of saving engineering investment.
作者 朱玉龙 张泽勇 方宇轩 Zhu Yulong;Zhang Zeyong;Fang Yuxuan(Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200082;China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan,Hubei 430073)
出处 《工程技术研究》 2020年第13期226-227,共2页 Engineering and Technological Research
关键词 地下综合管廊 顶管设计 设计优化 黄冈市 underground comprehensive pipe gallery pipe jacking design design optimization huanggang city
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