

The Record of the Creation and Repair of the Bell and Drum Tower of Doumu Palace and the Management of the Grand Canal Transport in the Mid-Qing Dynasty
摘要 通过清代官员引见履历档案、乾隆朝宫中档奏折、清代缙绅录等资料,可对清乾隆五十三年所立泰山《创修斗母宫钟鼓楼记》碑文人物、事件进行系统考证。在漕运总督毓奇的影响下,参与乾隆五十二年南粮漕运系统的官员和军士响应号召,与山东府县、河道等部门乃至地方民众共建泰山斗母宫。其中所涉清代中期漕运系统与地方相关部门的互动关系有助于研究清代漕运河道制度体系的运作及与地方相关部门相互协调的过程,从而补正史及地方志阙漏讹误之处。 A systematic examination of the events of the characters in the inscription Record of the Creation and Repair of the Bell and Drum Tower of Doumu Palace in the fiftythird year of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty can be made with the help of the biographical files of the officials of the Qing Dynasty cited and the documents of the court in the Qianlong reign.Under the influence of Yuqi,the governor of the canal transport,the officials and soldiers involved in the system of the Department of the Southern grain canal in the 52nd year of the Qianlong reign responded to the call to create the Doumu Palace in Mount Taishan with the Shandong prefectures and other departments involved with the local people.The relationship between the characters involved in the inscriptions is important for the understanding of the operation of the system of the Grand Canal system in the Qing Dynasty.The records of the local characters in the inscriptions can fill in the gaps and errors in the official history and local chronicles.
作者 朱学斌 张冶 Zhu Xuebin;Zhang Ye
出处 《运河学研究》 2023年第2期183-195,242,共14页 Canal Studies
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目“泰山编年通史”(16FZS050)阶段性成果
关键词 清朝中期 泰山 漕运管理系统 河道治理系统 斗母宫 Mid-Qing Dynasty Mount Taishan Canal Management System River Management System Doumu Palace
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