

Textual Research on the Epitaphs and Official Traces of Zhang Linghuang,the Official’s Assistant in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 张令璜是清代山东东阿县人,康熙四十八年(1709)进士,历任刑部主事、都察院监察御史、顺天府尹、大理寺卿、吏部侍郎等职。他自幼学习刻苦,成年后以文才闻名远近,晚年得志,官居二品。他生性刚正,处事果决,执法严峻,深为朝廷所倚重。后因受属下官员牵连,致仕还乡。他是清代山东运河区域科举入仕的重要代表人物。张令璜墓发现于2000年,墓志保存至今,具有较高的史料价值,有助于推动对其本人与张氏家族的研究。同时,张公的仕途履历可为研究清代前期特别是雍正初年的朝廷政治生态提供丰富的历史细节。 Zhang Linghuang was born in Dong’e County,Shandong province in the Qing Dynasty.In the 48th year of Kangxi’s reign(1709),he passed the imperial examination for Jinshi.He served successively as the chief of the Ministry of punishment,the censor of the inspector general’s court,the Yin of Shuntian Prefecture,the Minister of Dali temple,and the Minister of the Ministry of officials.He studied hard at early age,and became famous for his literary talents in his adulthood.he became a second-class official in his later years.He was upright in nature,resolute in handling affairs and severe in law enforcement,which was deeply relied on by the state.After being implicated by subordinate officials,he returned to his hometown.He was an important representative figure who entered the official career through the imperial examinations in the Shandong Canal region in the Qing Dynasty.The tomb of Zhang Linghuang was discovered in 2000,and the epitaph has been preserved to this day,with high historical value.It is helpful to promote the study of himself and Zhang’s family.At the same time,Zhang’s official career resume can provide rich historical details for studying the political ecology of the court in the early Qing Dynasty,especially in the early Yongzheng period.
作者 朱年志 Zhu Nianzhi
出处 《运河学研究》 2023年第1期210-224,255,共16页 Canal Studies
基金 全国高校古籍整理研究工作委员会直接资助项目“清代运河日记五种校注”(2046) 山东省社科普及应用研究项目“大运河聊城段文化遗产保护与利用研究”(2022-SKZZ-45)阶段性成果
关键词 清代 张令璜 墓志铭 宦迹 Qing Dynasty Zhang Linghuang Epitaph Official Traces
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