

University stakeholders'perceptions of the impact and benefits of,and barriers to,human resource information systems in Spanish universities
摘要 本文有两个目的:(1)研究大学利益相关者对于传递大学人力资源信息系统中收集的人力资源信息的重要性、益处和障碍的看法;(2)了解利益相关者对有效使用人力资源信息系统对大学效率的影响的看法。为此,我们编制了一份调查问卷,并发送给西班牙公立大学社会理事会的所有成员。采用描述性统计、方差分析和线性回归分析来回答研究问题。我们的调查结果重点强调了大学需要通过人力资源信息系统来传递有关其人力资源的信息。具体而言,大学利益相关者认为提供关于教学和研究人员的学术和专业资格、流动性、科学生产力以及教学能力和胜任能力的信息非常重要。同样,调查结果表明,提高透明度、快速反应和方便获取信息是使用人力资源信息系统的主要益处,而高层管理责任的缺失和财政支持不足被视为选定大学人力资源信息系统的最大障碍。最后,研究结果证实了使用一个良好的人力资源信息系统具有提高大学人力资本效率的潜力。调查结果为西班牙大学人力资源信息系统的使用和应用提供了一些见解,可以帮助人力资源管理从业者更好地了解人力资源信息系统的当前应用、益处和问题,这反过来将提高其在西班牙大学的效益。 The purpose of this article is twofold:(I)to examine university stakeholders'perception of the importance and benefits of,and barriers to,transmitting information on human resources collected in human resource information systems in universities;and(2)to understand stakeholders'perceptions of the impact of the effective implementation of human resource information systems on university efficienqy.To this end,a questionnaire was developed and sent to all members of the social councils of Spanish public univer sities.Descriptive statistics,analysis of variance and linear regression analysis were used to answer the research questions.Our main findings revealed a strong emphasis on the need for universities to transmit information about their human resources from the implementation of human resource information systems.Speifially,university stake-holders perceive as very relevant the provision of information about the academic and professional qualifations of the teaching and research staf,the mobility of teachers and researchers,sdientific productivity,and teaching capacities and competences.Likewise,findings suggest that increased transparency,quick responses and easy access to information were the main benefits of the implementation of human resource information systems,while the lack of commitment from top management and insuficient financial support were perceived as the greatest barriers to human resource information systems in selected universities.Finally,the results confirm that a wel-implemented human resource information system has the potential to enhance human capital efficiency in universities.The findings provide some insights into the performance and applications of human resource information systems in Spanish universities that could help human resource management practitioners to get a better understanding of the current uses,benefits and problems of human resource information systems,which,in turm,will improve their effectiveness in Spanish universities.
作者 约兰达·拉米雷斯 安赫尔·特哈达 杜明鸣(译) 王秋蕾(审校) Yolanda Ramirez;Angel Tejada;Du Mingming(Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,University of Castilla-La Man-cha,Spain,Plaza de la Universidad,n°I,Campus Universitario de Albacete,02071-Albacete,Spain;University of Castilla-La Mancha,Spain;不详)
出处 《国际行政科学评论(中文版)》 2022年第1期168-187,共20页 International Review of Administrative Sciences
关键词 效率 人力资源信息系统 西班牙 大学 effidiency human resource informnation system Spain universities
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