
为什么我们需要一部政治思想的全球史 被引量:1

Why We Need A Global History of Political Thought
摘要 当前,从全球角度理解政治思想史的需要变得日益迫切。世界各地人类的命运前所未有地联系在一起,他们共同面临诸如生态破坏、移民压力、传染性疾病等挑战,这些挑战促使人类必须思考如何在政治层面与地球上的其他人类相处。首先,政治思想的全球史需要对人类历史上各大主要文明系统中关于政治反思的文本档案进行研究。这一研究工作中,要思考的核心内容包括从统治与被统治的视角诠释和反思政治,并力图维持两种视角的平衡。其次,政治思想的全球史须关注人类文明腹地(hinterland)的智识资源,这些智识资源有助于回应当前人类对全球协调的需要,帮助改变人类未来的命运。最后,人类需要超越自我利益的短期目标和丛林困境,让全球范围的利益共享和政治合作成为可能。 It is increasingly evident that we urgently need to understand the history of political thought from a global perspective. People across the globe are facing the same challenges like ecological destruction,immigration,and contagious disease etc.,and thus their fates are unprecedentedly interwoven. These challenges prompt us to pore over how to live together with others in a political community. First,a global history of political thought calls for studies on the texts and archives regarding political apprehension of the major civilizations in human history. The key task here is to interpret and apprehend politics from the perspectives of both the ruling and the ruled classes and strike a balance between the two. Second,a global history of political thought calls for studies on the knowledge from the hinterland of human civilization. Such knowledge can facilitate the much-needed coordination among us and then change the fate of the mankind. Last,we needs to transcend the shortsighted self-interest and overcome the dilemma of the jungle law so that shared interests and political cooperation across the globe can become possible.
出处 《中国政治学》 2020年第2期25-37,133,共14页 CHINESE POLITICAL SCIENCE
关键词 政治思想的全球史 统治 腹地 政治合作 A Global History of Political Thought Political Rule Hinterland Political Cooperation
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