
以身化梦:意象体现的理论、方法与技术探析 被引量:2

The Embodiment of the Dream:Theory, Method and Technique of Embodied Imagination
摘要 "意象体现"是由罗伯特·伯尼克依据分析心理学理论创立的一种"梦的工作"方法,主张在介于意识与无意识之间的阈限状态中采用积极想象的方式对梦中意象进行再体验,通过对不同身体感受的觉知使无意识内容意识化来达到相应的治疗效果。意象体现理论主张,梦具有真实性,应当以主客体一致性的隐喻视角来看待梦,并且对梦的工作具有治疗的意义;对梦的工作应当遵循非解析工作与体验科学、阈限状态、共验交流、心理自居与发生转换四个关键原则。其具体技术过程包括工作状态的准备、进入阈限状态、对梦进行持续性体验、心理自居与发生转换、感觉融合与离开梦境五步。其方法沿革于催眠术、自由联想与积极想象。作为分析心理学中有关梦的一套前沿的思想理论以及临床心理治疗中一种创新性的梦的工作方式,意象体现具有广阔的学术研究及实际应用前景。 Embodied Imagination,which was proposed by Dutch psychologist Robert Bosnak,is a dreamwork technique.By re-experiencing the dream images in a dual-state and triggering body feelings,the contents of unconsciousness could be revealed consciously,and thus achieving the therapeutic goal.This article systematically expounds the theoretical basis and method origin of Embodied Imagination to clarify its theoretical and technical framework.By reviewing and analyzing the method process and technical principles of Embodied Imagination,the implementation points and the technical elements are definitized in this article,so as to pave the path for the further exploration.The theory of Embodied Imagination inherits from the interpretation of dreams with unconsciousness in Freudian traditional psychoanalysis,the concern about the reality of psyche in Jungian analytical psychology,as well as the idea of positively reshaping dreams in Hillman’s archaeological psychology.Embodied Imagination approves Freud’s view that dreams are unconscious representations but does not agree that dreams are merely disguises of desires.Besides,Embodied Imagination absorbs Jung’s conception of"spiritual reality",insisting that all images in dreams are real and complete;and it creatively points out that dreams can be remembered and recorded by the body,so that the implied meaning of the unconscious will emerge from converged feelings.Furthermore,Embodied Imagination also adopts Hillman’s ideas of changing the direction of dreamwork and pursuing the retrospection rather than reconstruction of dreams.Thus,communicating with the archetype world through dreams to achieve treatment becomes an important theoretical source of Embodied Imagination.Absorbing the essence of methods in hypnosis,free association and active imagination,the technique of Embodied Imagination makes some critical adjustments based on its theory.The main particularity of Embodied Imagination is that setting the dreamwork in the dual state of"walking between awake and comatose",transforming the orientation from analysis-oriented import direction to the experience-based export direction,using the physical body as the work anchor point and the reaction container,emphasizing the function of emotions and feelings appeared in the dream,and reinterpreting the"synchronization"and"transference"between the therapist and the client.Embodied Imagination contains five main processes which are:(1)Preparing for work state;(2)Accessing to liminal state;(3)Experiencing the dream persistently;(4)Exploration in multiple perspectives and transforming;(5)Integrating feelings and leaving dream.Several key points ought to be noticed during the work process of Embodied Imagination.The dream sources chosen for work must be fresh.The work strategy should be formulated around the dream environment–starting from the safest place and taking the emotional transition as the focus of work.Communication is based on a well-established counseling relationship,and the therapist could not project personal feelings on the client.Embodied Imagination not only brings a new technological tool to clinical psychotherapy but also introduces a fresh view to understand dream.In conclusion,Embodied Imagination is an effective dreamwork in clinical psychology with very broad application scenarios for the time to come.
作者 王振东 蔡宝鸿 张倩 刘媛媛 申荷永 Wang Zhendong;Cai Baohong;Zhang Qian;Liu Yuanyuan;Shen Heyong(School of Psychology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing,210097;School of Psychology,South China Normal University,Guangzhou,510631;Institute of Psychology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100101)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期247-253,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社科基金重点社会学项目(16ASH009)的资助.
关键词 意象体现 梦的工作 心理分析 embodied imagination dreamwork analytical psychology
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