

Election System and Rules of Procedure of Parliament in Sweden
摘要 瑞典是一个有成文宪法的议会制君主立宪国家,这意味着瑞典没有总统选举,议会选举就是大选。瑞典现代政治文明发展得益于19世纪后半叶以来的社会民主运动。就社会民主与瑞典议会政治的关系而言,社会民主运动极大地促进了瑞典议会普选以及议会制的确立。瑞典议会选举的最大特点是完全的比例代表制,即任何政党在瑞典议会中获得的席位份额通常反映该党获得的所有选票份额。此外,最新议会选举结果表明,瑞典的身份政治在议会选举中十分明显,已然到了"极致"程度。就议会议事规则而言,其特点是不管在立法动议、准备工作、立法决定还是实施和反馈阶段,瑞典公众在议会立法过程的各个阶段都有不同程度的参与。此外,瑞典议会在监督、审查和控制政府行为上设置了多道"关卡",以确保议会在国家政治生活中的主导地位。 Sweden is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy with the written constitution.This means that there are no presidential elections in Sweden,and parliamentary elections are general elections.The development of Swedish modern political civilization benefited from the social democratic movement since the second half of the 19th century.As far as social democracy and Swedish parliamentary politics are concerned,social democracy movement has greatly promoted the universal suffrage and parliamentary system in Sweden.The biggest characteristic of Swedish parliamentary election is the complete proportional representation system,that is,the share of seats obtained by any political party in the Swedish Parliament usually reflects the share of all votes obtained by the party.In addition,the latest parliamentary election results show that Sweden’s identity politics is very obvious in the parliamentary election,which has reached the"extreme"level.As far as the rules of procedure are concerned,the Swedish public has different degrees of participation in all stages of the legislative process,no matter in the stage of legislative motion,preparatory work,legislative decision,implementation and feedback.Public participation in the legislative process is well reflected in the rules of procedure of the Swedish Parliament.In addition,the Swedish Parliament has set up a number of"checkpoints"to monitor,review and control the government’s behavior,so as to ensure its leading position in the country’s political life.
作者 黄柳建 Huang Liujian
出处 《现代法治研究》 2020年第4期80-90,共11页 Journal of Modern Rule of Law
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“世界各国代议制度与中国人大制度比较研究”(项目编号17JJD820001)阶段性研究成果
关键词 瑞典 议会选举 比例代表制 议事规则 立法过程 公众参与 Sweden Parliamentary Election Proportional Representation Rules of Procedure Legislative Process Public Participation
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