
多普勒超声监测正常胎儿主肺动脉流速曲线的应用价值 被引量:2

The Application Value of Doppler Ultrasound in Monitoring the Flow Velocity Curve of Normal Fetal Main Pulmonary Artery
摘要 目的:研究多普勒超声监测正常胎儿主肺动脉流速曲线的应用价值。方法:选取2017年至2018年妊娠20~40周的正常胎儿200例,按孕龄时间分为四组,采用多普勒超声测量胎儿的肺动脉主干及其分支的内径、收缩期加速时间(AT)、射血时间(ET)、收缩期峰值流速(PSV)、加速时间/射血时间(AT/ET)、舒张期末流速(EDV)、平均流速(MV)、搏动指数(PI)、阻力指数(RI),了解各项指标的变化规律。结果:肺动脉主干内径随孕周的增大而增大,两者存在线性相关,AT、AT/ET测值随孕龄增加而呈增大趋势(P<0.01),胎儿孕龄越大其EDV、MV、PSV稍增大,二者关系呈正相关;胎儿孕龄增加,PI总体上波动幅度不大,而孕龄同RI、ET之间并无明显统计学上的关联性(P>0.05)。结论:正常胎儿的主肺动脉流速曲线参数与孕龄有一定相关性,多普勒超声能够动态观察胎儿肺动脉的解剖特征,能够定量评估胎儿肺循环的发育及血流动力学变化,是观察胎儿肺循环的一种有效、可靠的检查方法。 Objective:To study the application value of Doppler ultrasound in monitoring the flow velocity curve of the main pulmonary artery of normal fetus.Methods:200 normal fetuses with 20-40 weeks gestation from 2017 to 2018 were selected and divided into four groups according to gestational age.The diameter,systolic acceleration time(at),ejection time(ET),peak systolic velocity(PSV)and acceleration time of the main pulmonary artery and its branches were measured by Doppler ultrasound/At/ET,EDV,MV,PI and RI were used to understand the changes of each index.Results:the diameter of pulmonary artery increased with the gestational age,and there was a linear correlation between them.At and at/ET values increased with the gestational age(P The correlation was statistically significant(P>0.05)).Conclusion:there is a certain correlation between the parameters of the main pulmonary artery flow velocity curve of normal fetus and the gestational age.Doppler ultrasound can dynamically observe the anatomical characteristics of the fetal pulmonary artery,and can quantitatively evaluate the development and hemodynamic changes of the fetal pulmonary circulation.It is an effective and reliable inspection method for observing the fetal pulmonary circulation.
作者 郑达聪 卢展辉 陈婷 杜秀凤 Zheng Dacong;Lu Zhanhui;Chen Ting;Du Xiufeng(Foshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Foshan,Guangdong 528000)
出处 《现代医用影像学》 2020年第5期803-806,共4页 Modern Medical Imageology
基金 广东省佛山市卫生健康局医学科研项目(项目编号:20200369)
关键词 多普勒超声 正常胎儿 肺主动脉 血流动力学 Doppler ultrasound Normal fetus Pulmonary aorta Hemodynamics
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