
委托合同任意解除与违约责任 被引量:30

Discretionary Termination of and Liability for Breach of Mandate Contract
摘要 民法典中有关委托合同任意解除的规定,应吸收司法实践中的合理经验,对本质不同的有偿委托合同予以区别对待。存在特别信赖关系,且未社会化的有偿委托合同与无偿委托合同一样,其中存在真正的任意解除权;双方当事人不需要任何理由即可随时解除合同,只有在因故意或过失导致解除时间不当时,才须承担违反附随义务的责任。在适用委托合同任意解除规定终止代理商合同时,有的人民法院补充"继续履行合同不可期待"的要件,将该规定作为"有理由的随时解除权"的规范依据,此系超越法律的续造;代理商合同本应作为独立的典型合同,其中不存在真正任意解除权,而只能基于重大理由即时终止。不动产委托管理合同中的委托人系物业服务合同中的业主,其任意解除权的行使须符合法定程序和书面通知的要求。以尽力完成特定工作为标的的委托合同,应类推适用承揽合同任意解除的规定。伴有债权让与的委托回收债权合同属于或类似于保理合同,并无真正任意解除权。所谓"委托也为受托人的利益",一般是指在委托合同的基础上授予代理权或让与债权后,代理人对代理权有利益或受让人对债权有利益,在有因说下应排除委托合同中的任意解除权。 When modifying the rule on discretionary termination right in mandate contract,it is necessary to,following reasonable rules in judicial decisions,provide different rules for different onerous mandate contracts. Contracts that are bound to special reliance between contracting parties and are not socialized may be terminated discretionarily by either party. The terminating party is liable for breach of subsidiary obligation only if the termination right is excised at an unreasonable time. Some courts require an additional element, i. e., "supplementary performance cannot be reasonably expected " when discretionary termination provision is applied to termination of contract for commercial agents;those courts are,as a matter of fact,trying to fill a gap in the law. Contract for commercial agents should be constructed as an independent specific contract in Chinese Civil Code. It can not be terminated discretionarily,but may be terminated with a compelling reason. Contract for real estate management may be terminated by the mandator discretionarily,insofar as the requirement for statutory procedure and written notice has been satisfied. Some mandate contract should be governed analogically by the rule on one-side discretionary termination right in contract for work. Some mandate contract is similar to factoring contract,and consequently,neither party of it has discretionary termination right. "Mandate is also for the mandatory’s interests"generally refers that the mandatory has become an agent or a creditor,and has its own interests on the authority or debt. In those cases it is necessary to restrict or exclude the discretionary termination right,since the abstract principle has not been widely accepted.
作者 武腾 WU Teng(Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期62-77,共16页 Modern Law Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“民法典编纂背景下的中间商合同立法研究”(17YJC820054) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金。
关键词 民法典 委托合同 任意解除权 有理由的随时解除权 违约责任 Chinese Civil Code mandate contract discretionary termination right right to termination with compelling reason liability for breach of contract
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