Every tone in Southwest Mandarins in Guizhou dialect has its representative arch.Yinping阴平tones are mostly flat and rising arches.The former are mainly in the west,north and southeast of Guizhou province,while the latter are mainly in the central,east and northeast.With very few rising and flat arches,Yangping阳平and Shangsheng上声tones are mostly down arches,which widely distribute throughout Guizhou.Qusheng去声tone are mostly low rising and high rising arches.The former are in the west,north and central part of Guizhou,while the latter are in the southeast.Rusheng入声tone have multiple arches,but the characteristic of geographical distribution is not clear because of their less quantities.The patterns of tone forms of Southwest Mandarins in Guizhou can be described as 2 types and 4 sorts and show a gradual transition in geography with neighboring Chengdu and Chongqing dialects,which are also Southwest Mandarins.From the aspect of evolution,the typical pattern of tone forms of Southwest Mandarins in Guizhou province will most likely be the pattern as high rising-middle straight down-high bending down-low concave.
Southwest Mandarins in Guizhou province
the tone form pattern
characteristics of arch
characteristics of pattern