

A Little History of Tang Yueling
摘要 本文聚焦於《唐月令》生命軌迹中的重要片段,探討了唐開天之際《唐月令》經注的形成過程,北宋前期至明晚期該書日漸隱没的趨勢,以及清道光間學者恢復亡書的努力。這些嘗試,旨在勾勒《唐月令》一書的生命歷程及其與外部世界産生的連結。一、逐步形成的過程《唐月令》删定、注解及李林甫等上表進御時間,史無明文。緣此,該書的形成問題由來已久,前賢早有關注,然尚存未盡之義。本文將在已有成果基礎上重作梳理,嘗試復原《唐月令》的形成過程。 This article studies the birth,disappearance and resurrection of Tang Yueling唐月令or Tang Proceedings of Government in Different Months and its connection with the circumstances.The article suggests that Emperor Xuanzong玄宗's decision to edit the Liji Yueling禮記月令or Proceedings of Government in Different Months of Book of Rites was directly related to a series of events in the 25th and 26th years of Kaiyuan開元二十五、二十六年(737—738).The text of the Tang Yueling was completed in the third month of the 27th year of Kaiyuan.The annotation was completed within the tenth month of the first year of Tianbao天寶元年(742)and the second month of the second year of Tianbao.In the third month of the second year of Tianbao,the text was added to the first chapter of the Liji.Yueling was changed to Proceedings of Government in Different Time or“Shiling時令”in the first month of the fifth year of Tianbao.Under the leadership of the emperor,officials of the Academy of Scholarly Worthies(Jixian Yuan集賢院)completed the transformation of the classic text,interpretation,order of contents and names.Once the system of“reading Shiling”was changed,the influence of the book gradually declined from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty.In the Qing Dynasty,the annotation was lost and scholar Mao Panlin茆泮林was committed to restoring it.His work has both limitations and insights and needs to be discriminated.The history of Tang Yueling also reflects the competition and coexistence between Tang Yueling and Liji Yueling.In addition to the official stone scriptures and the block-printed editions in the era from the middle and late Tang Dynasty to the early Northern Song Dynasty,the private edition mainly took the form of transcription and provided a shelter for Yueling and the annotation of Zheng Xuan鄭玄.
作者 王天然 Wang Tianran
机构地区 不详
出处 《唐研究》 2023年第1期171-193,共23页 Journal of Tang Studies
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