Daizhi待制originally means"waiting to be consulted”.In the early years of Zhenguan貞觀,to compensate for the lack of the inner court consulting institution caused by the integration of the Three Departments of the Grand Councilors(san sheng三省)and becoming part of the outer court,an order was issued to demand the clean officials(qingguan清官)in the first five ranks(pin品)to live in the Secretariat(zhongshu sheng中書省),and the Chancellery(menxia shen門下省)rotationally.This was the pioneer of the Daizhi system.Gaozong高宗and Wuhou武后further officially set up the Daizhi as the“rotational on-duty system"of the clean officials in the first five ranks.During the Xuanzong玄宗period,the Daizhi system also transformed into part of the outer court.After the An-Shi Rebellion安史之亂,due to the changes in political and personnel situation,Daizhi has developed as certain honour titles or commission titles.The Daizhi also had a chance of to be pulled back to the inner court but failed eventually.As a special type of the official system,it became the pioneer of the academy and cabinet system during the Song宋dynasty.
Journal of Tang Studies