

Chiang Ching-kuo and Soong Mei-ling’s Relationship Revisited:Focusing on the Diary of Chiang Ching-kuo
摘要 蒋经国与宋美龄之间的关系是海内外关注近代中国政治发展者所热衷探究的议题。蒋介石与元配毛福梅之间关系的不睦与最终离异,蒋介石娶宋美龄为妻,以及毛氏遭日军的轰炸而意外惨死,令蒋经国与继母宋美龄之间的关系出现微妙复杂的纠结。蒋经国自苏联返国之后,出于对父亲的尊重,对宋美龄始终维持着表面的尊敬与礼数。然而在现实政治层面上,孔宋姻亲与蒋经国之间因权力竞逐所产生的矛盾与冲突,以及彼此在争取蒋介石“关爱”与支持所出现的摩擦,依然无从避免。本文参考最新公开的蒋经国私人日记、已解密的相关档案史料与文件汇编,重新回顾这对母子之间的互动关系,并探讨半个世纪以来何以外界从未中止对两人关系揣测的缘由。而随着蒋经国日记公诸于世,吾人得以更深入地进入其内心世界,思索他究竟如何看待这位年龄仅大他十余岁的后母,从而一窥这对母子之间微妙关系的全貌,以及两人过去鲜为人知的互动秘辛。 People who follow the political development of modern China at home and abroad are deeply fascinated by the relationship between Chiang Ching-kuo and Soong Mei-ling.In the relationship between Chiang Ching-kufo and his stepmother Soong Mei-ling,the uneasy relationship between Chiang Kai-shek and his first wife Mao Fumei and their eventual divorce,Chiang’s marriage to Soong Mei-ling,and Mao’s tragic and unexpected death by Japanese bombardment all resulted in a delicate and complex entanglement.In honor of his father,Chiang Ching-kuo maintained superficial respect and courtesy for Soong Mei-ling after returning from the Soviet Union.However,Chiang Ching-kuo and Soong Mei-ling’s in-laws still clashed over the competition for power,as well as friction over Chiang Kai-shek’s“love”and support for the others.This article takes into account the newly released diaries of Chiang Ching-kuo,declassified archives,and documents to examine the interaction between the mother and son and to examine the reasons why the outside world has never stopped speculating about their relationship for half a century.In the wake of the publication of Chiang Ching-kuo’s diaries,we are able to gain a deeper understanding of his inner world,how he viewed his stepmother,only a decade older than he,and the delicate relationship between mother and son,as well as the little-known secrets of their past interactions.
作者 林孝庭 Hsiao-ting Lin
机构地区 美国斯坦福大学
出处 《台湾历史研究》 2022年第4期73-86,共14页 Taiwan History Studies
关键词 蒋经国 宋美龄 毛福梅 孔宋家族 Chiang Ching-kuo Soong Mei-ling Mao Fumei the family of Kung-Soong
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