
从外蒙入会案看战后美国外蒙政策的演变——兼论台湾地区当局的态度及中国代表权问题 被引量:1

Understanding the Transformation of U.S. Postwar Foreign Policy toward Outer Mongolia from the Case of Outer Mongolia’s Joining the United Nations:Also on the Taiwan region Authorities’ Attitude and the Issue of China’s Representation
摘要 战后美国的外蒙政策经历了一个复杂的演变过程。自1946年起,蒙古人民共和国多次向联合国递交入会申请,但屡遭否决,直至1961年方才入会。外蒙入会案的复杂在于它不仅涉及美苏冷战和亚非拉国家的入会问题,而且与台湾地区当局的态度和中国代表权问题密切相关。期间,美国政府对外蒙入会案的政策经历了从“不承认”到“默认”的演变。这体现了冷战时期美国在外蒙问题上的双重标准,也在一定程度反映了其他国家和地区对冷战时期美苏大国主导地位的冲击。 The U.S.postwar policy toward Mongolia underwent a complex process of transformation.Since 1946,the Mongolian People’s Republic had repeatedly submitted applications to the United Nations for membership but had been repeatedly rejected until 1961.The complexity of the case of Outer Mongolia’s joining the United Nations lay in that it not only touched on the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union and the membership of Asian,African,and Latin American countries,but also was closely related to the attitude of the Taiwan region authorities and the issue of China’s representation.During the process,the US’s policy transformed from“rejecting to recognize”to“acquiescence”.This reflected the double standard of the U.S.on the issue of Outer Mongolia during the Cold War and,to a certain extent,reflected the impact of other nations and regions on the dominant status of the U.S.and Soviet powers during the Cold War.
作者 胡馨仪 肖如平 Hu Xinyi;Xiao Ruping
出处 《台湾历史研究》 2022年第3期76-89,共14页 Taiwan History Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“哥伦比亚大学图书馆藏顾维钧档案整理与研究”(19ZDA222)
关键词 冷战时期 美国 中国台湾 外蒙入会案 联合国 Cold War the United States Taiwan region authorities the case of Outer Mongolia’s joining the United Nations United Nations
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  • 5Kennan to the Secretary of State, 12 August 1948, GRDS: 893.00Mongolia/8-1248.
  • 6Sprouse to the Officer in Charge of the American Mission, Nanking, 23 August 1948, enclosure, Letter from the Secretary of State to Secretary of Defense, 13 August 1948, GRDS: 893.00Mongolia/6-3048.
  • 7Clubb to the Secretary of State, 32 December 1948, GRDS: 893.00Mongolia/12-3148.
  • 8Butterworth to the Secretary of State, 27 July 1948, GRDS: 893.00Mongolia/7-2748.
  • 9Butterworth to theSecretary of State, 11 August 1948, GRDS: 893.00Mongolia/8-1148.
  • 10Warren Cohen, America's Response to China : A History of Sino-American Relations, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000) p. 180.











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