From the reign of Shunzhi(顺治)to Kangxi(康熙),in the 70 years,as many as over 60 monks were recorded in historical sources sailing eastward to Japan;a lot more might not have been recorded.Famous ones among them include Yiran Xingrong(逸然性融),Daozhe Chaoyuan(道者超元),Duli Xingyi(独立性易),Yinyuan Longqi(隐元隆琦),Damei Xingshan(大眉性善),Mu’an Xingtao(木庵性瑫),Jifei Yiru(即非一如),Gaoquan Xingdun(高泉性潡),and Xinyue Xingchou(心越兴俦).After their arrival in Japan,although their experiences varied,they were generally welcomed by the domestic monastics and lay Buddhist believers in the“Three Chinese Temples”in Nagasaki,and revered by the Japanese Buddhist community.Many Japanese Zen monks came to seek their guidance.These monks were the pioneers of Chinese culture going abroad in the 17th century.