

Re-examination on Li Deyu’s Dahe Bianbang Lve(《大和辨谤略》)in the Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐朝后期,藩镇割据、宦官专权、朋党之祸,成为威胁朝廷政治稳定的三大主要问题。其中关于朋党之祸,史家多称牛李党争,《资治通鉴》云:“德裕、宗闵各分朋党,更相倾轧,垂四十年。”[1]然近年来此类说法受到诸多学者质疑,傅璇琮先生认为当时朝中的所谓朋党,非指德裕而言,至少在文宗心目中,已把李德裕排除在朋党之外。即使李德裕之政敌李宗闵,也并不认为其参与朋党之事[2]。王炎平先生更是认为牛、李皆结党之说实误,而应称作朋党乱政和李德裕反朋党的斗争[3]。 The Dahe Bianbang Lve is unclear due to anonymity and discrepancies in the historical records in the Tang Dynasty.The book was written by Li Deyu under the background of the scourge of cronyism.Mr.Cen Zhongmian considered Dahe Bianbang Lve as Yuchen Yaolve(《御臣要略》),which has a great influence and has become a definite verdict.The preface of Dahe Xinxiu Bianbang Lve(《大和新修辨谤略》)and Zhizhai Shulu Jieti(《直斋书录解题》)are in line with the records,as the key historical materials to explore this book.However,Cen’s citation of this preface only cited a few words at the end of the text,and ignored the previous text“to identify the slander”as the interpretation of the core.Meanwhile,from the Biao(表)and the preface of the difference in style characteristics,the content of the preface,it can be proved that it is indeed the preface of the Dahe Bianbang Lve,rather than the Biao on Cen’s words.It can be inferred from the fact that Yuchen Yaolve is in two volumes,mainly recording the contemporary events of the Tang Dynasty,not Dahe Bianbang Lve.Therefore,the evidence for Cen’s claim is not sufficient in view of the historical materials available so far.In the Northern Song Dynasty,Liu Qi made a book on distinguishing slander for his father Liu Zhi by imitated Dahe Bianbang Lve,which was successful.There are still records of this in the Ming Dynasty,and the literature on distinguishing slander in the Tang Dynasty had a profound impact on the activities of later literati.
作者 刘向培 Liu Xiangpei
出处 《唐史论丛》 2024年第1期364-376,共13页
基金 全国高校古籍整理委员会项目“《中兴馆阁书目》重辑校证”(项目编号:2044) 2022年国家社科基金后期资助项目“宋代书院研究”(项目编号:22FZSB031) 青岛农业大学高层次人才科研启动基金项目“宋代书院与学术流派的发展研究”(项目编号:1119717)阶段性成果
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