引言英国汉学家Timothy Hugh Barrett(巴瑞特),精研中国道教与佛教及中国唐代史[1]。其著作Taoism Under the T’ang:Religion&Empire During theGolden Age of Chinese于1996年出版[2]。2013年,这部专著经曾维加翻译,书名译为《唐代道教:中国历史上黄金时期的宗教与帝国》[3],由齐鲁书社在中国出版[4]。该书分为九章,按时间顺序概述了唐代道教的发展。
According to Taoism Under the T’ang:Religion&Empire during the Golden Age of Chinese,the author Timothy Hugh Barrett considers that during the Tien-pao era,the government used Taoism as a tool to serve the imperial politics in the field of ideology.Hsüan-tsung wished that Taoism could replace Confucianism to be the political ideology of the Tang Empire.To judge Barrett’s point of view,the institution of the Great Clarity Palace and the Confucian Temple School in the Tienpao era would be compared to determine whether Hsüan-tsung used Taoism to serve the national politics in terms of sacrifice and education and whether he deliberately made Taoism replace Confucianism as the ideology of the Tang Empire.