According to the Xin Tang Shu(《新唐书》)and Ce Fu Yuan Gui(《册府元龟》),the Funie tribe of Mohe people paid tributes“Whale Eyes”to the Tang court,which revealed the clues about the whaling and utilization of the whale products in East Asia in the Tang Dynasty.By analyzing the literature,image data and physical evidence on whaling and utilization of the whale products in the Tang Dynasty,Japan,the Korean Peninsula,the area around the Sea of Okhotsk and the coastal area of the Northeastern Sea of Japan,it revealed that the relationship between the"great fish","Jingni"(“鲸鲵”),"Jing"and"Haiqiu"(“海䲡”),which were recorded in the East Asian literature of the Tang Dynasty,and whales in biology.Meanwhile,it showed the utilization and spread of the whale products such as whale bones,baleen and whale eyes in East Asia in the Tang Dynasty.