

Energy and water saving management through digital intelligence
摘要 川东北气矿主要承担区块内的天然气勘探、开发和销售,涉及天然气勘探、开采、增压、集输和配送等多个生产环节,涉及能源消耗种类主要为天然气、电、水、汽油、柴油等,年综合能耗达到3.5万吨标准煤。气矿既是能源生产单位,又是能源消费单位,因生产井站分散,能源消耗点多面广,以往人工统计方式不能及时反映能源消耗水平,气矿在提高能效管控能力、提升经济效益方面存在一定困难。为此,经过近年“数字化”油气田建设,开发和应用了节能节水“数智化”管理工具,研究及应用成果表明:(1)形成了“井站+机关”双层管理模式,即井站侧重于能源消费数据管理、气矿侧重于能效和能源消费总量控制,显著提升了管理水平;(2)按照“精准统计+自主分析”原则,搭建了能源消费统计图表“数字化”框架,在该框架下,一是固化相关数据模版,二是利用excel建立自动模版,实现了能源消费数据在能源单位格式自动统一前提下的汇总;(3)针对数据的准确性问题,开发了“数智化”智能提醒工具,一是利用excel对异常数据进行颜色预警,二是自动生成单个能源消费种类的连续曲线图、饼图、柱状图等,以直观的图形反映能源消费情况,提醒了人员发现异常及时核对;(4)节能节水“数智化”管理工具及管理模式的应用,实现了气矿能源消费数据的采集、汇总、传输等功能,解决了基础数据的准确性及收集效率问题,为上游决策提供了有力的支撑,同时提升了气矿的能效分析水平,能够及时发现问题、制定能效提升措施,并跟踪措施效果直至问题解决;(5)节能节水“数智化”管理工具及管理模式的应用,切实提升了气矿合理用能管理工作的效率和水平,得到广大员工的认同。 The Northeastern Sichuan Gas District in PetroChina Southwest Oil&Gasfield Company(the District)undertakes natural-gas exploration and development as well as sales within the region,covering all links of exploration,exploitation,pressure boosting,gathering and transmission,and pipeline delivery.Several sorts of energy consumption concern natural gas,electricity,water,gasoline and diesel oil,which their consumption is equivalent to 35,000 t/a standardized coal.For the District which functions as both energy production and consumption,it is essential to improve an ability in efficiency control or economic benefits because the past statistical approach could not reflect promptly how much energy we actually consume induced from scattered well stations along with extensive and multiple energy consumption points.So,a few digital intelligence tools for energy and water saving have been developed to form a digital field.Results show that(1)a double mode of both well station and administrative body is found to obviously upgrade their management level,namely the former focusing on consumption data management,and the latter on taking control of energy efficiency and consumption,respectively;(2)a digital energy-consumption framework is set up on principles of accurate statistics and independent analysis.It can solidify a data template and create the other automatic template by making use of Excel to spontaneously gather consumption data together in a unit-of-energy format;(3)the developed smart reminder on inaccurate data may give an early warning of outlier data in different colors through Excel or is remind of unusually happening to be checked without delay via automatically generated curves,pie charts and histograms on each energy consumption sort to reflect the truth;(4)the digital intelligence of energy and water saving may realize data acquisition,collection and delivery of energy consumption,solve problems on data fidelity and collection effect,provide strong support for upstream making decision,improve an analysis level in energy efficiency,identify problems swiftly,make measures,and help find out a solution;and(5)for the District,the digital intelligence of energy and water saving makes better effects in reasonable energy utilization to gain acceptance.
作者 黄光怀 何远旭 黄继超 Huang Guanghuai;He Yuanxu;Huang Jichao(Northeastern Sichuan Gas District,PetroChina Southwest Oil&Gasfield Company,Dazhou,Sichuan 635000,China)
出处 《天然气勘探与开发》 2022年第S01期101-107,共7页 Natural Gas Exploration and Development
关键词 节能减排 数智化 能源消费 能源消耗 能效管控 能耗数据 自动采集 Energy saving and emission reduction Digital intelligence Energy consumption Energy expenditure Energy efficiency control Energy consumption data Automatic acquisition
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