(Ⅰ) The indications and the contraindications of the metal-fused porcelain restoration.(Ⅱ) The Making process of the metal-fused porcelain restoration(Ⅲ) The soldering problems of the metal-fused porcelain restorations.Two types of solder are described:a. High-fusion point solder——the crown and bridge are soldered first then the porcelain is fused.b. Medium-fusion point solder——the porcelain is fused on the metal crown first, and then the soldering is done at a temperature lower than the fusion temperature.(Ⅳ) Discussions on the clinical applications of the metal-fused porcelain restoration.a. The re-enforcement of the porcelain-metal bond in the prevention of porcelain crackle.b. The problems of soldering fused porcelain bridge.c. The unsolved problems of the metal-fused porcelain restoration.
Tianjin Medical Journal