An observation was made on 100 floor surfaces of pulp chamber of first molars.There were four types—convexity(7%),concavity(43%),plain form(38%)and obstructed by overcalcification on the surface(12%).Generally,the upper first molar root was divided into two buccal parts and one lingual part,and each canal having one orifice.The lower first molar root was divided intomesial root canal and distal root canal.The orifices of all canals have three forms.These funnel(33.1%),flat(50.1%)and calcifing(16.8%).Partial crifice of root canals were cross-communicated and connected by shallow grooves or notchs and their propor tions were38/50 in the upper qinst molar,32/50 in the lower first molar The average measurements of thickness of pulp chamber floor being2.96mm in upper first molar ane 2.80mm in the lower first molar,These observation showed that the shape of floor of pulp chamber,the form of root canals orifices,the rule of distribution of root canal and the thickness of the pulp chamber floor were helpful in the clinicai diagnosis and treatment.
Railway Medical Journal
tooth dental pulp