
仲裁案外人救济机制的建构与完善——兼论对《仲裁法(修订)(征求意见稿)》的修改建议 被引量:1

The Construction and Improvement of the Remedy Mechanism for Arbitration Outsider——and Suggestions for Amending the Arbitration Law(Revision)(Draft for Solicitation of Comments)
摘要 2021年7月30日,司法部发布了《中华人民共和国仲裁法(修订)(征求意见稿)》(以下简称"《仲裁法修订草案》"),《仲裁法修订草案》就当事人对仲裁裁决的司法监督机制作出了较大幅度的改动,建立了案外人的异议制度,但未对案外人关于撤销仲裁裁决或申请不予执行仲裁裁决的救济权作出规定。近年来,仲裁实务中当事人恶意串通、虚构事实、严重损害案外人合法权益的虚假仲裁行为频频出现,对仲裁秩序和商事仲裁的公信力都产生了严重的影响。基于此,本文在分析我国仲裁案外人权利救济必要性的基础上,借鉴域外仲裁案外人权利保护机制,立足我国的相应实践,针对《仲裁法修订草案》中的案外人救济制度部分,提出立足现实困境且符合现实需求、顺应仲裁发展趋势的修改建议。 On July 30,2021,the Ministry of Justice issued the Arbitration Law of the People s Republic of China(Revised)(Draft for Solicitation of Comments)(hereinafter referred to as the"Draft Revision of the Arbitration Law").The Draft Revision of the Arbitration Law has made substantial changes to the judicial supervision mechanism of parties on arbitral awards and established the system of outsider dissidence,but has not provided for the right of remedy for outsiders on setting aside arbitral awards or applying for non-enforcement of arbitral awards.In recent years,sham arbitrations,in which the parties collude in bad faith,falsify facts,and seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of the outsider,have frequently emerged in arbitration practice,which has a serious impact on the order and the credibility of commercial arbitration.Then,based on the analysis of the necessity of the remedy of the rights of arbitration outsider in China,the mechanism for the protection of the rights of arbitration outsider in foreign countries,and the corresponding practice in China,this paper proposes amendments to the part of the Draft Revision of the Arbitration Law on the remedy system of arbitration outsider based on the realistic dilemma and in line with the realistic needs and the development trend of arbitration.
作者 申黎 刘馨兰
出处 《商事仲裁与调解》 2021年第6期53-64,共12页 Commercial Arbitration & Mediation
关键词 仲裁案外人 救济机制 修改建议 arbitration outsider remedy mechanism revision suggestion
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