
《维也纳国际仲裁中心仲裁与调解规则(2021版)》评析 被引量:1

Analysis on Vienna International Arbitral Centre Rules of Arbitration and Mediation 2021
摘要 先进的仲裁规则是仲裁机构为当事人提供优质仲裁服务的基础和前提。维也纳国际仲裁中心2021年修订颁布的《维也纳国际仲裁中心仲裁与调解规则》借鉴吸收了当下国际商事仲裁领域的最新成果,内容丰富,是一部符合实践需要、先进的国际仲裁规则。本文通过剖析维也纳国际仲裁中心此次规则修订的主要特点,指出当前国际商事仲裁变革主要呈现出人本化、专业化、信息化、透明化、灵活化、多元化、趋同化的发展趋势。 Advanced arbitration rules are the basis and prerequisite for arbitration institutions to provide high-quality arbitration services to the parties.The latest revised Vienna International Arbitral Centre Rules of Arbitration and Mediation 2021 absorbs the latest practice in the field of international commercial arbitration,which is rich in content and has many highlights.It is also an advanced international arbitration rule that meets the needs of practice.By analyzing the characteristics of the 2021 VIAC Rules,it can be seen that the tendencies of reform of international commercial arbitration regime are humanization,specialization,informatization,transparency,flexibility,diversification,and integration.
作者 王碧涵 赵健
出处 《商事仲裁与调解》 2021年第5期3-14,共12页 Commercial Arbitration & Mediation
关键词 维也纳国际仲裁中心 仲裁规则 变革 VIAC arbitration rules reform
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