

Evaluation of measurement uncertainty of calibration results of temperature deviation in high and low temperature test chamber
摘要 高低温试验箱可以为仪表及材料等提供相应的高低温环境,其温度场性能及测量不确定度是影响温度试验箱测量结果的重要指标,通过对温度偏差校准结果的不确定度评定和影响量分析,进一步了解高低温试验箱的计量性能、误差来源及减小误差影响的方法。依据GB/T 10592-2023《高低温试验箱技术条件》规定的校准方法选取满足测量要求的温度传感器,对高低温试验箱温度偏差进行校准。校准确认高低温试验箱温度场性能满足温度偏差±2℃的允差要求,测量不确定度满足1/3最大允许误差的技术指标要求。高低试验箱校准温度场性能良好,测量标准器选取短支A级铂热电阻满足校准要求且稳定性良好符合长时间交替温度的测量使用。 The high and low temperature test chamber can provide the corresponding high and low temperature environment for instruments and materials,and its temperature field performance and measurement uncertainty are important indicators that affect the measurement results of the temperature test chamber.Through the uncertainty evaluation and influence analysis of temperature deviation calibration results,the measurement performance of high and low temperature test chamber,error sources and methods to reduce the influence of error are further understood.According to the calibration method specified in GB/T 10592-2023 Technical Conditions for High and Low Temperature Test Chamber,select the temperature sensor that meets the measurement requirements and calibrate the temperature deviation of the high and low temperature test chamber.The calibration confirms that the temperature field performance of the high and low temperature test chamber meets the tolerance requirement of temperature deviation±2℃,and the measurement uncertainty meets the technical index requirement of 1/3 maximum allowable error.The temperature field performance of the high-low test chamber is good,and the short-branch A-class platinum thermal resistance selected by the measurement standard meets the calibration requirements and has good stability.
作者 赵婷婷 周昭亮 ZHAO Ting-Ting;ZHOU Zhao-Liang(Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710032,China)
出处 《实验室检测》 2024年第7期136-140,共5页 Laboratory Testing
关键词 高低温试验箱 温度偏差 校准 测量不确定度 high and low temperature test chamber temperature deviation calibration measurement uncertainty
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