
不忘初心爱党爱国 牢记使命严师良师——纪念著名农学家顾慰连教授诞辰90周年

Staying True to the Original Aspiration to Love CPC and China Keeping the Mission in Mind to be a Rigorous and Good Teacher——Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor GU Wei-lian
摘要 顾慰连(1931~1990),中国共产党人,著名农学家、农业教育家和社会活动家。1948年加入中共上海地下党组织,1949年考入复旦大学农学院,1952年随院系调整而调入沈阳农学院,1953年考入北京农学院研究生班,1956年毕业回到沈阳农学院农学系任教。1983年10月任沈阳农学院院长,1985年10月出任沈阳农业大学首任校长。他亲自请邓小平同志题写沈阳农业大学校名,为张克威院长设立克威园和塑造全身铜像,以缅怀老院长的光辉业绩、继承他的教育思想。为规范和树立良好的校风和学风,他亲自题写团结、勤奋、严谨、求实的校训,邀请著名音乐词曲家谱写校歌《我们是大地的儿女》。主持完成玉米栽培生理领域多项国家及省部级科研课题,研究成果多次获得省部级科技进步奖;主持开展海城市农业现代化综合科学实验基地建设,使教学、科研和生产“三结合”办学道路得以开拓,领导制订沈阳农业大学“六五”“七五”发展规划,明确提出要把沈农办成国内领先、世界知名的以农为主、农理、农工和农文相结合的综合性农业大学。坚持正确的社会主义农业大学发展方向,认真践行、贯彻德智体美劳全面发展的人才培养方针,强调要培养有政治头脑、经济头脑和科技头脑“三头六臂”的专业人才。积极倡导高等农业教育要与国家经济建设需要结合起来,坚持教学、科研和生产“三结合”的办学道路,提出把农业教育引向农村、引向社会和引向市场。积极倡导、开展和促进大学教育的国际交流,对沈农的务实创新、专业发展和学科建设作出重要的贡献。他以校为家所塑造的“家校情怀”,不断地激励全校教职员工千方百计营造良好的教书育人的校园环境。在八年校级领导岗位上,他为高等农业教育事业的呕心沥血、兢兢业业,继承和弘扬张克威院长为沈农鞠躬尽瘁的科学家精神,赢得了广大师生的崇敬与爱戴。 GU Wei-lian(1931~1990)is a famous agronomist,agricultural educator and social activist in China.In 1948,he joined the Communist Party of China in Shanghai.In 1949,he was admitted to the College of Agronomy of Fudan University,then transferred to Shenyang Agricultural College with the movement of the college in 1952.In 1953,he was admitted to the graduate class of Beijing Agricultural College,and returned to Shenyang Agricultural College to be a teacher in 1956.He became the president of Shenyang Agricultural College in October 1983,and then the first president of Shenyang Agricultural University in October 1985.Under his efforts,Comrade Deng Xiaoping was invited to inscribe the name of Shenyang Agricultural University,and then a Ke-wei Garden with a full-body bronze statue was set up on campus to president ZHANG Ke-wei,the founder of Shenyang Agricultural College,for commemorating his glorious achievements and educational ideas.To standardize and establish the spirit of the university and learning tradition,he inscribed the school motto of unity,diligence,rigor and truth-seeking,and invited famous musicians to compose the school song"We are the children of the earth".He presided over a number of national and provincial scientific research projects focusing on maize cultivation physiology,and won provincial and ministerial scientific and technological awards for many times.He also presided over the construction of the Comprehensive Scientific Experimental Base for Agricultural Modernization in Haicheng City,which opened up the road of"three combinations"of teaching,scientific research,and production.Under his leadership,in the"Sixth Five-Year"and"Seventh Five-Year"development plans of Shennong,it was clearly proposed to build Shennong into a domestic leading and world-renowned high-level comprehensive agricultural university,with agriculture as the mainstay and with combination of agricultural science,agricultural engineering,agricultural culture.In practice,he adhered to the correct development direction of socialist agricultural universities,implemented the talent training policy of all-round development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetic,and labor,and emphasized to cultivate professional talents with political,economic,scientific and technological minds.He actively advocated the combination between higher agricultural education and national economic construction requirements,and put forward the idea of leading agricultural education to the rural areas,society,and markets.With his leadership,the Haicheng Comprehensive Scientific Experiment Base of Agricultural Modernization was successfully built up,which let Haicheng City be the forefront of the top 100 counties in the country.He advocated the international exchange of university education.He made significant contributions to Shennong’s pragmatic innovation,professional development and discipline construction.His"home-school feeling"has encouraged the faculty and staff to create a good campus environment in teaching and educating.During eight years of his leadership,Professor GU worked hard for higher agricultural education,inherited and carried forward the selfless spirit of Shennong scientists,and won the respect and love of the teachers and students.
作者 于洪飞 孙世贤 魏军 于海秋 李晓安 顾宜晴 YU Hong-fei;SUN Shi-xian;WEI Jun;YU Hai-qiu;LI Xiao-an;GU Yi-qing(Department of Journal Editorial,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning Province,China;College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning Province,China;Agricultural Technology Extension Center,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100083,China;NCAg(Qingdao)Intelligent Technology Co.Ltd,Qingdao 266000,Shandong Province,China)
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第4期503-512,共10页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 顾慰连教授 顾毓琇先生 作物遗传育种 科学家精神 沈阳农学院 沈阳农业大学 Professor GU Wei-lian Mr.GU Yu-xiu crop genetics and breeding scientist spirit Shenyang Agricultural College Shenyang Agricultural University
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