

New Developments in the Study of the Hebrew Bible in Jewish Academia
摘要 21世纪以来,国际犹太学术界对《希伯来圣经》的研究不断取得新进展。从诠释方式上看,“极大主义”和“极小主义”在传统现代主义历史批判框架下的辩论仍在继续,与此同时,后现代主义发展了理解希伯来圣经的“第三条道路”;研究方法上经历从历史批判到文学批评,从作者意图到读者反应的转变。从研究视角上看,“动态性”视角强调从社会学意义上把握圣经书写和圣经研究的双重历史处境,“儿童主义”和“动物转向”则更加关注边缘群体在圣经叙事中的重要地位。就研究观点而言,“希伯来王国的历史确定性”“犹太民族意识何时形成”“空旷地神话是否存在”等议题引发讨论,涉及圣经的历史书写、民族精神、历史观等重要内容。 Study of the Hebrew Bible in international Jewish academia has undergone continuous development in the twenty-first century.Debates on interpretation between“maximalism”and“minimalism”continue under the framework of traditional modernist historical criticism,while at the same time,postmodernism has offered a“third way”to understand the Hebrew Bible.R esearch methods have shifted from historical criticism to literary criticism,from authorial intention to reader response.From a research perspective,a“dynamic”sociological perspective emphasizes the dual historical contexts of Bible composition and Bible research,while the“childistinterpretation and”Animal turnfocus more on the importance of marginalized groups in the biblical narrative.Research topics such as“the historical certainty of the Hebrew kingdom”,“the time period of the formation of Jewish national consciousness”,and“whether the myth of the empty land exists”have all sparked extensive discussion,invoking as they do important themes such as historical writing,national spirit,and view of history in the Bible.
作者 韩博雅 张倩红 HAN Boya;ZHANG Qianbong(School of History,Zhengzhou University)
出处 《圣经文学研究》 2023年第1期33-64,共32页 Journal for the Study of Biblical Literature
关键词 犹太学术界 希伯来圣经 古代以色列 后现代主义 Jewish academia Hebrew Bible ancient Israel postmodernism
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