

Effect of Sample Solvent on Chromatographic Retention Performance of Traditional Chinese Medicine Components in RP-HPLC
摘要 目的探究反相高效液相色谱(RP-HPLC)中样品溶剂对中药成分色谱保留行为的影响。方法选取2020版《中国药典》一部收载的5种中药,参照各药材含量测定项下要求进行HPLC法测定,初步研究龙胆苦苷-龙胆、紫丁香苷-刺五加、松脂醇二葡萄糖苷-杜仲、秦皮甲素-秦皮、腺苷-冬虫夏草受样品溶剂影响产生的色谱峰异常行为,深入探讨溶剂效应的机理,并提出解决方案。结果5种中药化学成分的色谱异常行为表现为保留时间漂移、色谱峰展宽、前延及裂分,产生上述异常现象的根本原因是溶解样品的溶剂和流动相存在某种不匹配,导致样品在溶剂与流动相中所处状态出现差异(溶剂效应)。消除溶剂效应的首选方法是用流动相或相近的溶剂溶解样品,此外,减小进样量和使用溶剂效应消除器可作为辅助手段。结论溶剂效应容易引起色谱峰异常,影响对化学成分定性和定量的准确性,应该在日常中药分析工作中予以重视。 Objective To explore the solvent effect on the chromatographic retention performance by RP-HPLC in traditional Chinese medicine analysis.Methods Five traditional Chinese medicines were selected to determin by HPLC according to the requirements of each medicinal content determination item in Chinese pharmacopoeia(Vol.Ⅰ,2020),they were gentiopicroside-Radix gentianae,syringin-Acanthopanax enticosus,rosin diglucoside-Eucommia ulmoides,aesculin-Fraxinus Cortex,and adenosine-Cordyceps sinensis respectively.The effect of sample solvent in RP-HPLC was explored preliminarily on the chromatographic peak abnormalities and some solutions were proposed.Results The abnormal chromatographic retention behavior of the five traditional Chinese medicine components were characterized by retention time drift,peak broadening,extending and splitting,the fundamental reason for the above abnormal phenomenons was that there was a certain mismatch between the sample solvent and the mobile phase,leading to different existing forms of the sample between the sample solvent and the mobile phase(Solvent Effect).The results showed that the mobile phase or similar to mobile phase solution was a preferred method to reduce and eliminate solvent effect.In addition,reducing the injection volume or using the solvent effect eliminator can also be used as auxiliary means.Conclusion Solvent effect can cause abnormal peak shape,and had an influence on the accuracy of qualitative and quantitative results,it should be taken seriously in daily Chinese medicine analysis work.
作者 张冬旭 张彤 丁越 张永 杨正燕 王申澍 张新华 ZHANG Dongxu;ZHANG Tong;DING Yue;ZHANG Yong;YANG Zhengyan;WANG Shenshu;ZHANG Xinhua(Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China;Shanghai Puning Analysis Technology Co.,Ltd,Shanghai 201202,China)
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期1017-1027,共11页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 上海市卫生健康委员会、上海市中医药管理局上海市进一步加快中医药传承创新发展三年行动计划项目(ZY(2021-2023)-0215):中药饮片质量分级标准体系建设,负责人:王峥涛 上海市科学技术委员会科技计划项目(20S21902500):中药经典名分玉女煎复方制剂研究,负责人:丁越
关键词 反相高效液相色谱 样品溶剂 溶剂效应 流动相 峰形异常 溶剂效应消除器 RP-HPLC Sample solvent Solvent effect Mobile phase Abnormal peak shape Solvent effect eliminator
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