
从市区到市郊:二战后联邦政府主导下的美国郊区化运动 被引量:3

From urban to suburban: American suburbanization driven by the federal government after World War Ⅱ
摘要 二战后,为解决严重的住房短缺问题,美国联邦政府一方面继续鼓励发展郊区住宅,如为退伍军人制定优惠贷款政策、修建州际高速公路,另一方面发起了城市更新运动,试图通过拆除城市中心衰败社区来改善居住环境,为城市中心的发展注入新的活力。然而,这些政策在推动郊区化的同时,也加剧了城市中心的衰落。这些政策的实施,既塑造了战后美国城市面貌,也对诸如城市暴乱、社会分化等问题负有责任。 After the World WarⅡ,in response to the severe housing shortage in American cities,the federal government continued to encourage the development of suburban housing,such as preferential loan policies for veterans and the construction of interstate highways.At the same time,the federal government launched the urban renewal campaign to improve the urban living environment by dismantling the declined areas in urban centers and injecting new vitality into the development of urban centers.However,these policies have promoted suburbanization and caused the decline of urban centers.The urban policy in this period has directly shaped the urban features of contemporary America.At the same time,it was mainly responsible for the problems of the urban riots and social differentiation.
作者 吴小凡 林广 WU Xiaofan;LIN Guang(Institute for the Global History of Civilizations,Shanghai International Studies University,Shanghai 201620,China;Department of History/The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)
出处 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期77-85,共9页 World Regional Studies
关键词 田园城市 郊区化 退伍军人安置 城市更新 州际高速公路法 suburbanization federal loan policy urban renewal Interstate Highway Act
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