

Modern Interpretations of Hui Shi’s Thought of “All Things are in One Way all Similar,in Another Way all Different”——Research on Hui Shi’s Scholastic Attribute
摘要 惠施"历物十事"的第五事说:"大同而与小同异,此之谓小同异。万物毕同毕异,此之谓大同异。"该第五事是"十事"的枢纽和讨论惠施思想的关键环节。梁启超与冯契以属为大同,以种为小同,此大同与小同之异是小同异。冯友兰和牟宗三则以"相似性"作为大同、小同的评判标准。上述二者构成这个问题上的两个派别。近代学者在讨论毕同方面可以分为抽象统一论(逻辑抽象说和分有普遍性说)、同一实体的内在变化论以及实体基元论。惠施的学派归属众说纷纭,主要是名家、道家和墨家说。按照冯友兰和牟宗三的看法,惠施的思想属于名家,他主要是名理地思辨,而庄子则是体证地论说,同不胜异。梁启超、胡适、钱穆持墨家说,郭沫若持道家说,侯外庐等则同时对前面几家提出了批评。笔者以为,就"天地一体"言,庄子是由"通"而"同",其"通"是气通而与自然冥同,在此境界上形成认识上的"齐物";惠施则是通过概念抽象及其超越得到同的认识。综合考察,惠施属于名家更确当,但是,他又有超越名理概念的一面,这是需要注意的。 Hui Shi said in the fifth point of his"Ten Paradoxical Propositions":"Great similarity differs from little similarity.This is called little-similarity-and-difference.All things are in one way all similar,in another way all different.This is called greatsimilarity-and-difference."The fifth point,as the hub of"Ten Paradoxical Propositions",is the key link when we discuss Hui Shi’s thoughts.Liang Qichao and Fengqi regard genera as great-similarity and species as little-similarity,and the difference between great-similarity and little-similarity is considered as little-similarityand-difference.While Feng Youlan and Mou Zongsan take"similarity"as the evaluation criteria of great-similarity and little-similarity,so there are two academic schools on this issue.In the discussion of"in one way all similar"aspect,modern scholars can be divided into three types:abstract unity theory(logical abstraction theory and fractional universality theory),internal change theory of the same entity and entity elementary theory.There are many different opinions as to which school Hui Shi belongs to,mainly Ming Jia(The School of Names),Tao Jia(The Taoist School)and Mo Jia(The Mohist school).According to the view of Feng Youlan and Mou Zongsan,Hui Shi’s thought belongs to Ming Jia,he mainly speculates by"definition and theory",but Chuang-tzu mainly argues for the theories by body-mind experience,it seems that differences are more than similarity.Liang Qichao,Hu Shih and Qian Mu hold the view of Mo Jia,Guo Moruo holds the view of Tao Jia,but at the same time,Hou Wailu and others criticize the previous several opinions.In my opinion,in terms of"Heaven and Earth are one body",Chuang-tzu holds that"similarity because of communication",which means"unity"is the integration with nature through qi,on this level,it formed the epistemological concept of"equality of things";however,Hui Shi gets the concept of"similarity"through conceptual abstraction and transcendence.Taken as a whole,it is more precise that Hui Shi belongs to the Ming Jia,but what is noteworthy is that he also transcends the concept of definition and theory.
作者 李洪卫 Li Hongwei
出处 《思想与文化》 2019年第2期127-155,共29页 Thought & Culture
关键词 大同 小同 毕同毕异 天地一体 相似性 great-similarity little-similarity in one way all similar yet in another way all different integration of heaven and earth similarity
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