Serum alkaline phosphatase (AKP)activity was studied in 64 cases of hyperthyroidism. The average value was 20.3+4.96 u% ((?)±SD) (K-A unit) in 26 cases (40.6%). The serum total triiodothyronine (TT) level and urinary excretion of phosphate were significantly higher in thyrotoxic patients with increased AKP than those with normal values. There was no difference in serum thyroxin (TT), calcium and phosphate levels, urinary calcium excretion and BMR in the two groups with and without increased serum AKP. The serum levels of calcium, and phosphate were within normal limits in the two groups of patents, but the excretion of calcium was markedly increased in both groups. The urinary excretion of hydroxyproline was determined in 13 patients with a mean of 51.45 mg/24 h (range 24.6-89.6 mg), the excretion rate was elevated in 9 patients. In 22 patients with increased AKP, after the serum was heated to 56℃ for 15 min, the AKP was inactivated to less than 20% of the original value, and in 9 patients, AKP inactivated to less than 20%, suggesting the increased AKP in hyperthyroidism is mainly of osteoblastic origin. The clinical significance of increased AKP in hyperthyroidism is discussed.
Shanghai Medical Journal